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being at peace with the real inner you!
I was never at peace of being different through my childhood and even in adulthood, untill my reiki changed my life.
i am now who i want to be, what i am is me, even now people are trying to change me, well it aint gunna happen! i am i , i is me,
i may look out of place wearing the clothes i wear, but do i care. yes i care, that i am different.
so what who cares.
i went to buxton mind body and soul on sunday, it was fantastic, the first workshop was Barbara Meikle John Free,SACRED JOURNEY TO THE SOUL.
I sat in the top left corner of the semi circle, and little was i expecting what i received.
you have to picture this to see who i am. grey army combats grey trainers, a bright red full sleeve chinese shirt, Orange buddhist beeds on my arm and round my kneck. i stood out like a saw thumb, she was picking people out to explain and state about their lives a

tim wheater, scott jasper, barbra and other performers on stage at buxton 2009
nd where they were at.
i was well hidden out of the way, thank god, well barbra had other ideas. she got me to stand up and said that i was comfortable being who i was from a past life, she stated that i was buddhist, tibet monk which was near damn perfect, she also spoke other things which were correct too. she gave me and others at her work shop so much inspiration, ABOUT BEING THE REAL US and being who we want us to be.
I guess it was the proof i needed that i was becoming i again.
at the end of her workshop she wasnt done yet, she asked us all to go out side and carry on with the workshop. no one was expecting barbra to say this or give up some more of her time, even this was empowering to us all.
i have to say many thanks to barbra for her inspiration thats brought me the truth that i am now who i want to be.
love and light and i hope barbra and the many others bring you as much joy as they have me.
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