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A wolf as a power
animal on a
healing drum
What Are they?
Why are they around us?
What do they do for us?
Just a few questions that I am asked at the shamanistic events that I attend.
So what are power/totem animals? Well it depends on which form you see them in, whether it’s a spiritual form or a physical for in the here and now.
In the spiritual form, they are chosen to guide you through life; some are with you from the day you are born to the day you leave your earthly body. Some are with you for short periods of time, years, months, weeks or days, and then you get some that are with you for the moment to make you aware of their presence around you.
In the physical form, live animals that are around or come to you.
So what exactly is a power animal or totem animal?
It is a creature that is chosen to come to aid/help you in your earthly life.
So what types are there?
Four legged, two legged, creepy crawly, flying insects, fish, birds, crustation, invertebrate, wild animals, pre historic, cats and dogs, our pets. Unicorns, aliens and so on
All the above are written about in books and on the net and each has its own qualities, its own attributes, and its own reasons for being with you.
They are sometime here with you in the earthly body,
An Example of how a power animal comes around you!! You have a butterfly that keeps flying close to you or you see lots of them around you everywhere you go. A butterfly has its own meanings for why it’s with you, so you need to read on what the butter fly means as a power animal. They are very accurate in what they mean and bring to us in our daily lives.
Another Example would be seeing a hawk or eagle flying above or you see it as you drive past. Just a one off glimpse is enough for you to see it and read up on what or why they have shown themselves to you.
It may sound daft to some, but the really do have a meaning when they come or show themselves to you.
When I started getting into shamanism, I never thought that this kind of thing existed. But it has truly become a daily part of my life and when I explain to others about the power animals they are truly amazed to read about an animal that's come to help them with their lives. it could be a ladybird, a frog or a hawk, a elephant a cat or even a crocodile, it doesn’t matter what the animal or creature is, it will have meaning for the person that’s why it’s come to be with them or us, to teach us, help and guide us, protect us or give us help and understanding so we can move forward in our journeys.
So the next time you have an animal or creature that you seem to see everywhere you go, look it up on the web (under power animals or totem animals) and see what it means to you, if you’re stuck email me or see me on here and I will try my best to help you with your power animal and what it means for you.
Enjoy your journey with your power animals and do look them up you will be amazed how they appear when you need them too.
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