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Me drumming at a
stonce circle in derbyshire
A name by which too many it will mean very little, but to those who use the Shamans Drums it will mean so much.
The Shamans drum is used in drumming circles around the world, by people from all walks of life, all ages, it doesn’t matter if you’re a man or women, young or old, from any religion or culture, we all one with the shaman the oneness with the source.
For me The Shamans Drum has been a pure creation OF EQUILIBRIAL JOY that’s been and touched my very soul, and continues everyday and especially every time I beat the sacred drums of the shaman.
The beat of the drum is like the beat of the human heart, the beat of the earth and of that of the universe. For all are part of each other and all part of the same source.
Each drum has its own beat, its own sound, and its own life force energy that will attract you to it. Once it has drawn you to it, you will never be the same again. Then the fun begins. it will teach you to play it, how it wants to be played, show you how hard or how softly you can hit it, show you how to care for it, and most importantly it will show you THROUGH ITS VIBRATIONAL ENERGYS how to use it to heal yourself, heal those around you, heal the Animals and Plant Kingdoms and also that of Mother Earth. You may not be aware of the energy and the healing that it creates, or the powerful energies that it releases, but to those that are gifted and have the trust in which to see, the results are Euphoric. Mind blowing, just listen to a group playing the drums and you shall see, hear and feel what vibrational energies are given off.
Drumming groups are now becoming more popular and seem to be spreading at a vast rate. I AM recommending to you, too go look on the web for a Native American or shamanic drumming group in your area and go taste the energy from the beating drum. A lot of groups do have spare drums so you wouldn’t need to purchase one to go try it out or just to sit and watch or listen to us playing.
I bought my first drum the same day I went to the sacred drum beats (Native American Drumming Group) in Mansfield, Nottingham.
A group I have come to love, and try not to miss, the group runs its sessions every week on a Friday afternoon. Too which I have only missed two sessions in two years.
So What Is Native American Drumming . . . .?
It’s in part a ritual in which drumming INITIATED And is sent to the four directions, north, east, south and west, also fire, water, air, earth. At the beginning of the session and that of the end.
Each person if willing is smudged with pure white sage from head to toe, their drum and beater is also smudged and cleared of in pure energies and spirits. A process that is simple and quick, but is long lasting. The sage smells wonderful.
A prayer is part of the opening session t

the healer drum,
iI use for healing
oo. It reads. . .
A Native American Prayer by HAWKS SHADOW.
Great Spirit make me as a hollow bone and allow your Healing Energies to flow for those who need it.
Ancestors encircle me and protect me and Draw the Healing energies down.
Make the message clear for those who hear it, may those who I touch be the better for it and let this day hold no regrets at sunset.
Great Spirits of the Universe,
We Raise Our Drums To You.
This in its self brings in the spirit of the Shaman, and I don’t just mean a single shaman, it could be a whole tribe, even Power animals, and totem animals are known to make the presents felt, (To those who see, hear or feel).
The session then begins, in which the leader of the group starts the beating of the drum; the group follows with the same beat. It changes as the session goes along. Breaks are needed during the sessions, as people do get arm ache from the intensity of the session. Some people stop drumming and just close their eyes and listen to the drumming, great to meditate too or just sit and relax too.
Sometimes there is a meditation session, sometimes a chanting session. Then there is a secondary part, which is the healing via the beat of the drum, it’s hard to put into words what the healing is like, other than its like a heard of wilder beast or buffalo or a steam train bringing a force of energy and healing strength to us that we hear that heals our souls, our minds and our bodies. Truly amazing!!!
Each session varies and each drumming group is different.
Try it and you will see.
My path way with shamanism has taken many turns in the last few years, and through the constant reading of shamanism, attending workshops and courses on shamanism and native American culture to name a few and of cause the drumming group I attend, I have reached new heights in my goals to be enlightened and enjoy the culture of shamanism and become part of it.
The healing of nature and the earth.
I’ve started taking my drums with me when I go to visit sacred sites and stone circles, Wiccan and pagan events, healing fairs and much much more, I get a few people together and enjoy a session of drumming, its truly amazing to be there and to just listen to it, is just as good as playing the sacred drum, the energies are amazing and the sounds they make are great.
I do have information on some groups in England, I learned where and not to buy my drums from, to which I now sell to others in which I aspire to help others enjoy the start of their wonderful journeys with their Sacred Drum and the healing Qualities it holds for them and those they chose to help, and that that is sent out to the Animal and Plant kingdom and to the earth and beyond.
Love and light.
naka comi nandi hi (Shane Darbey)
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