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Angels to guide us
With 2012 rapidly approaching, and many of the institutions and authority figures having a less than easy time of it, we are all feeling the turbulence of the times. The Mayans called the period that we are in at the moment “The End of Time”, and as with all cycles that come to an end, there needs to be a death of the old to enable the new beginnings to enter.
As we watch the enormous changes that are occurring in the banking and political sectors, and even religions are beginning to slowly change, a sense of unease is settling over the greater population. The very people and places that we used to be able to look to for guidance seem to be as unsure as we are ourselves, and this is unnerving. At the same time, we are watching vast changes in our weather patterns on a global scale, and this is threatening to increase prices and availability of food in the shops, travel, and population relocation, amongst other things.
We do not enjoy change, because we like what is familiar. When everything remains the same, we have a sense of control, and routine engenders comfort, and lets us know that all is well in our world.
Many people are feeling drawn at this time to make huge changes in their lives- be it relationships, jobs, if we are preparing for something en masse. It is a time of letting go of the old ways and behaviours, in time to welcome in the new, whatever that might be. There is a deep knowing that there has to be a better way, and that we cannot continue the way we are and change at the same time.
More and more we see people turning to self- help literature, differing healing modalities, workshops and courses as they look for a more authentic way to live. It is as if the old, material world has lost its shine, and we are waking up to other priorities.
In these troubled times, when all about us is changing, and through fear we cling to what we know, the angels often remind me that they are waiting for us to ask for their help, as they do not want to interfere with our free will.
Angels are with us from birth until death, and they watch over us, especially when times are hard. They guide us through adversity, and even if we do not acknowledge their presence in our lives, they continue to help is. They are messengers from God, and there are literally thousands of them. They have one job, and that is to bring peace on earth, one person at a time.
How can the angels help us?
The angels can assist us in many ways. They can answer any questions we have on life, love, health, finances, career, soul purpose, or any other areas where we are struggling to understand the direction we should take.
They can also highlight areas of your life where you have blocks to happiness, love and abundance. They will lovingly communicate with you any areas to work on to release blame, shame, ill-health, jealousy, lack of self-esteem, and so on. They can easily identify life-style choices that are unhealthy and behaviours that you may want to think about changing.
Of course, as with everything, you can choose to accept or ignore their advice, depending on how you receive it. The angels will love and support you just the same.
I absolutely love giving angel readings. It is with such joy and love that they communicate with us, and they always help you to see how to be a better you, which in turn can lead to a happier you.
At this time in our history where change seems to be inevitable for all but a few lucky ones, the angels are telling us to ask them how to get through the changes the best way we can. They can show us a different way or perspective and offer us practical guidance for the road ahead.
I do most of my angel readings via the internet- either on Skype or I record them and send you the file when I have finished. You can book sessions through either or and I am happy to answer any questions that you may have.
I also offer Angel Parties in the Bristol area, and for details of these, please visit my websites as above.
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