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Clear Quartz Angels
Work with angels and experience a whole new world !
In which ever way Angels are known, there are ways in which you can communicate and work with them for yourselves and others around you.
For many years now they have been spoken about in most areas of life and it is said they can be called for those who are in need, even if just for comfort.
Some of the ways to call upon them are; Just thinking quietly to yourself sending the thoughts out to the Angels. Writing down messages for them (it is handy to have a little notebook personally for Angel communication).. If you feel comfortable, you can just call out to the Angels with your message..
Some people have reported just having a sense they have been heard by the Angels, while others feel that they have had signs through life from Angels, just to show they are present and listening.
Having a figure or picture of an Angel of your own, can be of great comfort and almost make you and others feel safer or just more light-hearted
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