James writes under the penname of Tyberonn. A name suited to the work.
Though gentle in his demeanor, he is a complex visionary with an intense interest and communication with earth energies and metaphysics.There is more to him than meets they eye, and with a 6'5", 275 pound frame, a lot meets the eye! He is a conser-vationist and humanist. He is employed in management of a global energy corporation,collects mineral specimens and travels extensively.
Tyb has lived and worked overseas for more than 23 years in various capacities including stints as a field geologist and engineer. An ex-military officer and business major, his training in geology came with his employment in the petroleum sector in the mid 1970's. He became an expatriate in 1977. He describes himself as a " citizen of the world, whose nationality is goodwill". He is a conservationist, a member of the Sierra Club and supporter of Green Peace . Jim is devoted to changing the energy industry from the inside, and is involved in all aspects of environmental protection, waste reduction, and supports sourcing of solar and renewable energies. He has lived in Canada, Brasil, Gabon West Africa, Congo, Venezuela, France, Scotland, England, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman and India.
Tyberonn is an avid 'rockhound', and has filled his home with mineral specimens personally collected in the varied landscapes of the dozens of countries he has visited. His collecting grew to include gemstones while living in Brasil, where he studied gemology and eventually the metaphysical properties of stones and minerals. This further evolved into a level of spiritual communion with the landscape geology and an intuitive understanding of geo-earth energies.
His awareness of earth energies began at a very early age, in the crystal fields, mountains and lakes of his native Arkansas, and has remained his passion. He has in recent years studied earth energies through the culture & knowledge of the indigenous peoples and has completed four five-day vision quests in the mountains of Arizona and Mexico in the Lakota tradition. He has been a student of the living energies of the Motherearth and all her telluric sacred sites for over three decades.
Jim holds a deep spirituality and connection to his Christian upbringing, which was simply expanded with his understanding of the deeper nature of God and the cycle of reincarnation and unity of all beings, all nations and all religions.
My Articles
Fri,13 Mar 2009
James writes under the penname of Tyberonn. A name suited to the work.
Though gentle in his demeanor, he is a complex visionary with an intense interest and communication with earth energies and met...Read More
Thu,05 Mar 2009
Greetings Dear ones! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I welcome each of you to this moment of sharing. There are certain lifetimes that are more high-lited within your vast sojourns, certain vectors ...Read More
Thu,05 Feb 2009
The Return of the Firmament of the Dove
The Cosmic Trigger of March 2009
Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you one and all! Dear Ones, we sense each of you as you read these wo...Read More
Mon,05 Jan 2009
Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you one and all. And so as one year ends and another unfolds, we ask you all to ponder briefly the changes that have occurred within you on the mic...Read More
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