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To make miracles we need only dare to ask. There are legions of angels - physical and Divine - all around us, just waiting to help us create what we want in life. There is only one condition to their help... we must ask for it.
Dare to Ask
What do you want? What are your desires right now, next month, next year? If you know specifically your goals in life, have the courage to make a plan, and feel comfortable to ask God for what you need to complete your plan, you are a rare person. Most of us are reluctant to put a voice to our goals and ask for help with our plans, because daring to ask is foreign to our nature.
We Have Issues
We must be willing to ask for what we want. The issue in asking is the fear of rejection and disappointment. We fear we do not deserve enough, thin enough, strong enough, or even smart enough to know what we want, so we let our friends and families dictate what is best for us. Bull! If you want more out of life, decide right now to dare to ask, because you deserve miracles!
Do Your Exercises
If you want more out of life, decide right now and ask. Start by asking yourself what is most important to you. Then, start by giving yourself what you want as much as you can. I always suggest to folks that they start with little things, like I want a cup of tea, or a walk in the park, or a bubble bath, and then work up to the big things, like a new car or house. The beauty of this exercise is that the more you dare to ask, and the more you dare to give yourself, the more you discover about yourself.
Make a list of what you want and dare to include some of the big things along with that new coat you've been admiring. Think of how you want to live, and where, and who you want around you, what relationships you want to develop, what you'd like to be doing, what you'd like to learn; then think of how you want to feel, and how you want your surroundings to feel. Project yourself into your vision of the future, allow yourself to feel it lovingly, passionately, as if it were already happening. Then turn it over to God and the angels, and your guides and expect miracles.
And, if you're not sure you want what you think you want, then ask the angels for help in getting clear about what you want...
Dare to ask for what you want... and then dare to ask God and the angels for help! The angels are listening, waiting for your requests so they can swing into action. When you dare to ask, you open yourself up for help from legions of angels - and to miracles!
Ask, for the highest good of all, and it shall be given unto you.
The Bible, John chapter 16 verse 24: "Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full."
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