Fri,28 Aug 2015
As spiritual workers we are able to help many species. There is no greater joy than to shine a light and help others. As empaths, we often take on energy that weighs us down and we must be careful to ...Read More
Fri,17 Jul 2015
Survival. As we continue to face economic hardships, mounting health problems and global warming where can we look for guidance? Should we look to the media with its parroted news flashes bought and p...Read More
Sat,27 Jun 2015
Meditation has many benefits, one of them is connecting with animals in spirit. I've had many wonderful lessons brought to me throughout my daily sessions, but none so close to my heart as when I am c...Read More
Thu,09 Apr 2015
Have you ever picked up a shell an found the animal still living in its home? As humans we are fascinated with touching and prodding different species. Is this just our curious human nature? What if ...Read More
Thu,04 Dec 2014
I am sending you this with love, it is a story that I hope will shed some light on any dark corners of doubt you may have as to those yester-years of your childhood.
It all began on that stormy day...Read More
Mon,10 Nov 2014
As we continue to study the different methods of communicating with animals, let us consider those pets that have passed. This type of communication requires you to be in a place where you are not dea...Read More
Sun,21 Sep 2014
As you continue to blend your energy in communication with animals your bond will grow and your auric field will reveal this. Animals can see your auric field. Not only do they use their physical sens...Read More
Sun,31 Aug 2014
All people have the ability to communicate with animals, plants, trees, minerals and water as well as other humans. Through the ages they have forgotten, but many are waking up to this natural capabil...Read More
Wed,16 Jul 2014
...continued from Part 2
GPS is an excellent tool for navigation but we decided to follow something even greater…our intuition. And so hitting the reset button, we tossed out our travel plans and dec...Read More
Wed,25 Jun 2014
Nature has a way of making you stop in your tracks. It is a silent reminder that you are but a small piece of the larger picture. When we take the time to immerse ourselves we find that our heart matc...Read More
Sat,10 May 2014
I was told to go to the Southwest as there was treasure awaiting me. And so my partner Dean and I loaded up the van and began a 12 day journey from FL to CA. I gathered art supplies, a book I recently...Read More
Tue,15 Apr 2014
There are times in your life when you wake to find that the pathway you are on feels pretty ho hum. It's safe it's secure and it is working. So what is off? You float some thoughts over your "what's w...Read More
Wed,02 Apr 2014
As we move through life we often find nuggets of inspiration. For me I have collected these little gems them through years of journaling all of my dreams and meditations. Like a treasure box I hold ea...Read More
Tue,25 Mar 2014
Learning to overcome things that kept me from wanting to explore my "alone-ness" took months. I had to learn the technique of a href=" More
Tue,25 Feb 2014
I never thought I would find myself alone, after all I was born into a overcrowded family and married at the age of 18… having personal space was a luxury. But that marriage dissolved and my inability...Read More
Fri,21 Feb 2014
I live in a world of flip-flops and palm trees – no wild horses. I didn't even know they still existed. But I came to learn about them in the most bizarre way—through daily meditation. I began seeing ...Read More
Wed,12 Feb 2014
"Are her developing psychic abilities bringing visits from horse spirits or is her troubled mind playing tricks on her?"
I never thought meditation would have me talking to horses, let alone writin...Read More
Sat,01 Feb 2014
Can a gift of mediumship really be that simple? Are we truly living in an age where anyone can zip into a metaphysical shop, throw down some cash, purchase the "flavor of the month" oracle cards and s...Read More
Thu,05 Dec 2013
Your yesterdays are now behind you…so, what are you doing TODAY? Be honest with yourself. Are you constantly thinking of the way things "used to be," if so you are not alone.
Many people wish for t...Read More
Thu,21 Nov 2013
Call me Dr. Doolittle, or call me crazy but I talk to birds. In fact I talk to all creatures and elements I come into contact with. Plants, minerals, water, sky the list is endless. Why? Because my he...Read More
Tue,29 Oct 2013
If I had but one message to sing it is this–Moving thoughts into action creates magic.
I used to be that person who watched others as they seemed to be doing something exciting while I sat silently...Read More
Thu,10 Oct 2013
Have you ever found yourself laughing for what apparently seemed - no reason at all? That silly rumbling feeling that erupts and causes you to just LET GO?
We are vibrational beings. Each of us is ...Read More
Wed,02 Oct 2013
Have you noticed the intense postings on social networks? They can be about their family, their jobs or their personal appearance. Some will post updates on a traumatic experience. Many truly are in c...Read More
Wed,25 Sep 2013
Lately I have listened to the ongoing dilemmas by the characters that continue to interact in my book of life. I see my entire journey as a book and people come and go throughout my story. Male and f...Read More
Mon,16 Sep 2013
Your life's journey is being recorded by photographs. We can still remember the days when most photos were created using film… digital technology did not exist. The choice of media isn't important nor...Read More
Tue,27 Aug 2013
I had the privilege of visiting Scotland and England recently. I walked beside Glencoe, Scotland and breathed in her beauty. I stood beside the Lochs and inhaled their magnificence. I met a golden eag...Read More
Tue,30 Jul 2013
Continued from Part 1
I waited for the lost rune to be del...Read More
Wed,24 Jul 2013
I have been absent on the internet regarding this blog. The absence gave me time to hear the silence. I am taking this space to meditate and reflect. Colors appear more vibrant, communication with nat...Read More
Thu,23 May 2013
Meditation can often bring the most profound messages. After they come you are left floating in the wonder brought by mere flashes of insight. I had one of those moments today. It was tied to an stone...Read More
Wed,15 May 2013
Living by the sea has taught me many lessons. I have learned that storms come bursting upon the scene without warning. The winds cause the ocean to heave and grown as the waves become whipped up in a ...Read More
Wed,08 May 2013
As we continue to examine the living thoughts we have collected through the years, we can see that the torn and tattered remnants of negative relationships still linger in the shadows. Be these spousa...Read More
Wed,01 May 2013
How often do you tune into the music in your head? I'm not referring to the tunes you sing along with on the radio, although these hold wonderful truths for us. I am talking about the songs brought to...Read More
Wed,24 Apr 2013
Are you a seeker? Do you read books, follow podcasts, attend work-shops, join groups, get readings, attend development circles, etc.,? If you do than you are a part of a phenomenon that is sweeping ou...Read More
Wed,17 Apr 2013
Did you ever feel as if you are drifting along on auto pilot? You wake up one morning and realize that your actions have become pretty routine. The decisions you made, choices you fabricated and plans...Read More
Wed,10 Apr 2013
Meditation can connect you with powerful teachers. If you want to develop your spiritual gifts it is an absolute MUST. Yes, there are many wonderful teachers amongst us and if you are not careful you ...Read More
Wed,03 Apr 2013
Be careful what you ask of Spirit, you may get an unexpected reply. I say this because I thought I was asking for assistance in developing my spiritual gifts yet what I was given was exactly what I ne...Read More
Wed,27 Mar 2013
Where is your inner harbor of peace? If you were to close your eyes and imagine a place of total tranquility –what would you see?
I recently asked my students this during a meditation class. For s...Read More
Wed,20 Mar 2013
Wherever you are in your life is your beginning. No matter how old… how rich… or how educated you are – NOW is your chance to ask yourself AM I FOLLOWING MY BLISS?"
For me it was a slow awakening t...Read More
Wed,13 Mar 2013
Each day you wake up and slowly recognize thought. Thoughts are living things and as you allow yourself to reconnect with your conscious state you become more aware of your first thoughts. It could be...Read More
Fri,22 Feb 2013
Have you ever had a scent float across your path and find yourself startled by the wonderful memory it brought? A few days ago as I was doing my meditation a scent of Lilly of the Valley appeared. I i...Read More
Thu,14 Feb 2013
I found myself swimming through an amethyst a few mornings ago. Last week I had asked for some help in discovering which guide was helping me with my art.
Here is my journal entry:
Meditation: I...Read More
Thu,07 Feb 2013
Crystals are wonderful friends that delight in lending their energy. Our connection with them is as natural as breathing as we are all part of earth...we are all part of IS. We are one.
Using crys...Read More
Mon,14 Jan 2013
If you're like me you have explored metaphysics as part of your journey. Numerology, Astrology, Tarot, Runes, Crystals...the list goes on and on. But where does it all lead?
Hopefully it is moving...Read More
Tue,08 Jan 2013
I recently returned from a wonderful excursion to Turkey and Greece. We wanted to experience Christmas in a country where we could enjoy some time off from the type of music that is piped into every c...Read More
Thu,20 Dec 2012
Growing up in a large family, with parents both from large families you would think my memories would be vague and cloudy trying to recall them...
Actually somehow they are separate yet together ...Read More
Wed,05 Dec 2012
It's December and all around me I feel a change in the air. What is it that seems to lie just beneath the surface? Holiday music fills every nook and cranny of every building I enter, be it a trip to ...Read More
Fri,23 Nov 2012
"But this wasn't how it was supposed to be...he wasn't supposed to die."
"Yes, but he was very sick."
"But how will we go on without him?"
"I'm not sure I don't have the answers."
"But we though...Read More
Thu,15 Nov 2012
The unexpected death of her husband has left my sister hanging on a thread. They were supposed to spend their 40th wedding anniversary together this past weekend, but sadly there will be no more celeb...Read More
Wed,07 Nov 2012
As I watched this nation approach election day, I was astonished at the absurdities being spread regarding the men running for office. What is the truth and what has happened to our ability to discern...Read More
Thu,01 Nov 2012
Meditation: I heard a voice telling me that I needed to develop the art of scrying. I should use water. There is an organization doing tremendous work with this they are called ORIGIN OF TEARS.
Med...Read More
Thu,25 Oct 2012
Months ago I was told by my guides that I would be attending a workshop regarding crystals. I sort of shrugged and didn't give it too much thought. It came up again and again in meditation almost as a...Read More
Thu,18 Oct 2012
For many years dragonflies have appeared in the most unusual circumstances. Winter or summer they have materialized so often that I now acknowledge them as trusted friends. When I began to see winged ...Read More
Thu,11 Oct 2012
Is meditation just for spiritual people? Why would anyone need to learn how to do something so simple? Life is made up of many different species of people, well maybe not species per say, but face it ...Read More
Thu,04 Oct 2012
Why would anyone want to sit in silence and think of NOTHING?
Meditate. meditate | 'med??tat | verb [ intrans. ] focus one’s mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for r...Read More
Tue,02 Oct 2012
Lorraine Turner is an author/illustrator living in the US. She is a two-time Emmy-winning graphic artist who was told as a child that she would never make it as a designer. Lorraine is a motivational...Read More
Sat,29 Sep 2012
As I wake to the cries of the Osprey living outside my balcony I am moved by it's alluring beauty. I am fixated by its hunting skills as he glides past me carrying breakfast dripping from his talons. ...Read More
Mon,24 Sep 2012
At times I am reminded of my parents. Even though my father passed in 2004 he is around me so much it’s as if we share intimate conversations daily about life. My mother passed in 2010 and brings feel...Read More
Thu,13 Sep 2012
Some people approach meditation to improve mental health much like dieting...and then they just stop. When asked why they discontinued meditation their answers varied:
"I never really "saw" anything ...Read More
Tue,28 Aug 2012
Our lives are filled with working and planning. How are you using all of this energy? Where is your focus? Is it to amass property and to collect material items that you will someday leave behind? If ...Read More
Sat,18 Aug 2012
Have you ever thought of using crystals in your meditations? I have introduced this into my daily routine and the results are quite remarkable. This particular crystal, Apophyllite, is exceptional in ...Read More
Fri,03 Aug 2012
Why is it that the people who fuss and coo over their pets think nothing of eating a form of life that was butchered and cooked to provide them a meal? I have even been in the company of some die-hard...Read More
Sun,22 Jul 2012
It's time to evaluate your hum factor. Humans, plants, animals and the world around us are all made up of energy, in actual fact they are living energies. Your energy is much like your fingerprints; n...Read More
Mon,09 Jul 2012
Many of us find ourselves watching the scale begin to inch upward as we blow out the candles marking another year onward. We look at photos and that me? Does my backside really look like ...Read More
Mon,25 Jun 2012
Lately I have found myself seeking and searching. It feels as if I am on a quest and there is an urgency surrounding this. If I were to ask 10 people about this they would each give their opinion of w...Read More
Sun,17 Jun 2012
Throughout my life I have stumbled through many obstacles. In my youth I won two gold medals sprinting down a track...but I could not jump the hurdles. Life's detours seemed to find me at every turn. ...Read More
Fri,01 Jun 2012
I have been careful to surround myself in positive energy. Troubles come and go like storms washing through my life almost as often as they do around my home in The Florida Keys. Meditation brings tha...Read More
Fri,25 May 2012
As I told you in my last blog, I met with a medium Bernie Scott and it was quite a unique experience-- sort of an experiment you might say. We connect once a year and I journal everything as her mess...Read More
Wed,16 May 2012
Every so often I approach a meditation with hopes of connecting with someone other than my guides. I just set my intention during my opening protection prayer and add that I would like to connect with...Read More
Sat,28 Apr 2012
When is the last time you seriously looked at the people who are suffering? They could be your neighbors, family members, acquaintances or strangers...but they are hurting.
My 10 year old granddaught...Read More
Sun,15 Apr 2012
I didn't want to wake. It seemed my dreams were far better. I had been enjoying my visits with my loved ones that have crossed and sometimes felt more lonely upon waking. My dad and his laughter my m...Read More
Sat,31 Mar 2012
I found myself waking one morning to a frantic phone call from my sister. Her husband had stopped breathing during his sleep and she performed CPR and alerted 911. Her heroic efforts helped give him o...Read More
Thu,22 Mar 2012
My sister's husband of 39 years is dying of a rare cancer of the blood. My profession as a designer allows me to work anywhere my mac is. And so I am by here side now for the duration. She owns 13 acr...Read More
Thu,08 Mar 2012
I used to think that my life was nothing more than shattered dreams. I was never able to quite win the approval of my parents. My teachers shook their heads disapprovingly as they marked my grades in...Read More
Tue,28 Feb 2012
Close your eyes and relax. Unclench your jaw, your fists or any areas of tension. Breathe deeply and take a few cleansing breaths. Breathing in all of the beautiful energy of nature and now exhale all...Read More
Wed,08 Feb 2012
The Down And Dirty Church was the last one I attended. It was a place filled with broken people, some fighting addiction and others just sick of the the other churches on the menu. This ...Read More
Thu,26 Jan 2012
The Blue Hair Church was the next church I attended. This is what my father referred to as a “bible banging” church. It was here where I first encountered all of these people who seeme...Read More
Mon,16 Jan 2012
Continued ...
The Big Hats and White Gloves Church was a few blocks from our home. My father only ever went there for weddings and funerals. My mother seemed to approach it anxiously and sporadically...Read More
Thu,05 Jan 2012
Man has lived with fear throughout the centuries. He has walked the earth and created more men and each new generation teaches their children to fear. Fear is powerful and can be used as a tool to mak...Read More
Wed,21 Dec 2011
Ok I know this may be a bit absurd, but have you ever been in a beautiful loving meditation, on your very own island of peace only to be interrupted by a thought or "voice" that you KNOW is unwelcome?...Read More
Wed,07 Dec 2011
For many years I have been an un-cat person. Don't ask me why, it just seems me and cats just never hit it off. There was always some stray cat hanging around my father's upholstery shop having litter...Read More
Wed,16 Nov 2011
How many times have you woken from a dream with a sense that you had just been having a conversation with someone and you cannot recall who? It seemed so real, ah but alas it was only a dream. Since b...Read More
Tue,25 Oct 2011
When I meditate I go to this peaceful state of silence. Sometimes I finish the meditation and have a feeling of utter self love. Sometimes I see very vivid images and sometimes I have clear insight. T...Read More
Wed,19 Oct 2011
Something’s off… I feel unbalanced and my energy feels as if I have a slow leak somewhere. It’s an uneasy feeling as if something out of my control is draining me. And as I stopped to think of this I ...Read More
Tue,04 Oct 2011
Survival begins in the mind. We have become a people who look to others for approval of self. If we continue to follow this path then we follow by rote a message of fear, doubt and worthless self. We ...Read More