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Yes, I believe in angels and the afterlife and I believe that we each have a Guardian Angel that is sent by God to guard, guide and protect us throughout our life. My belief and interest in angels has enabled me to help other people contact their Guardian Angels, and receive messages from their angels as I am an experienced psychic angel card reader as well as a tarot reader. I also work now as a freelance spiritual features writer writing all about angels, the afterlife, and the paranormal, and although I enjoy writing I feel more comfortable helping people on a one to one basis through my readings.
I didn’t always believe in angels in the respect of them being spiritual beings sent to help us when times get tough, however I have always believed in a higher power. I wouldn’t say that I am deeply religious either, just spiritual. I never set out to do this as work as it had been a dream of mine to work in finance as an accountant something I am continuing to work towards. I even went to college and gained the relevant qualifications. This career, this paranormal career sort of chose me.
My first experience with an angel was when my father was terminally ill in hospital and as I was going to bed, I checked my mobile phone one last time before switching it off. Out of nowhere came this bright blue light that was surrounded by white light. It really was a blinding light. I thought I was imagining it all but here it was right in front of me. It didn’t have any facial features, or arms or legs so I couldn’t say specifically what exactly it was. I hadn’t been drinking that night either as I do am not really a fan of alcohol. It moved towards me and then glided over my bed around waist level. I was absolutely petrified, so much so in fact I hid under the duvet cover.
I began thinking that maybe I’d imagined it all and perhaps it was just a tired mind playing tricks on me. However this was the first of many angel experiences I was to have. I began dreaming about them, finding white feathers everywhere in places that they could not possibly have been blown to by the wind from an open door. White feathers are said to be an Angel calling card.
Other times I’ve been fussing my cats and suddenly see silver twinkling lights surrounding us to which I have found no other explanation other than the angels. I began researching into angels and all manners of paranormal phenomenon as I wanted to know more about this. I wanted reassurance that I wasn’t going mad. I found reading about the angels such a comfort and it really gave me a sense of perspective in life. I felt that I wasn’t all alone and that there was some sort of spiritual influence in my life.
I’ve always believed in life after death ever since I was a child. When I lost my Nan to cancer I knew she hadn’t just gone, I knew that part of her was still around, watching over me. I regularly dream of my Nan, which are known as Dream Visitations in which you dream of a loved one who has indeed passed away. Yet these dreams are different to normal dreams in that whilst you are dreaming you are aware that your loved one is in fact dead and it’s not just a memory resurfacing.
I also believe that my Nan along with my other loved ones in spirit watch over me and guide me in all I do. I even believe that at one point in my life my Nan acted as a guardian angel and saved my life.
I had an upset stomach after visiting a restaurant and was getting weaker and weaker as the ho

urs passed by. I was only 8 years old at the time and I remember lying back down in bed thinking, “If I go to sleep now, I’ll die”. I must have drifted slightly to sleep as I remember then seeing a bright white light and my Nan appearing from behind it walking towards me. She held out her hand and asked me if I wanted to go with her. I knew she was giving me the choice to either live or die. I wanted so much to be with my Nan again, but I didn’t want to leave my Mum. She asked me again and this time I heard the pain in her voice. The pain a Grandmother would have for her Granddaughter as she was given the choice to live or die. I obviously chose to live and will always remember how I had the chance to die. When I arrived at the hospital the Staff Nurse told my Mum that had she not got me there when she did I would have died. I didn’t need the medical staff to tell me that I had had a lucky escape. I have my Nan to thank for giving me the choice and allowing me to live. But I also have my Mum to thank for being such a wonderful Mum that obviously cared enough to listen to her “Mother’s Intuition” in order to get me to hospital before it was too late. Her love for me and the fact that I have always known and felt that love clearly helped me make my decision not to leave her.
In between those occurrences I also began meditating daily to try and gain some clarity and peace. I then spoke to lots of people on the internet and there was one specific chat room of people who helped me tremendously and have in fact helped me become as accurate a psychic reader as I am today. I originally started using Angel cards to connect to the angels for personal readings, then I tried on friends and family and found I was picking up more than just information off the cards. I tried also doing this via the internet using nothing more that people’s usernames. The information I was getting was in no way connected to the angel cards. I remember once doing an angel reading for a lady and I sensed and saw clairvoyantly her Grandmother. I described all I could for her and she told me that I had been so accurate and no one had brought a message from her Grandmother before. I was so happy that she was now feeling comfort from her loved ones and had made that connection with her very much loved Grandmother. That feeling is what continues to keep me going when times get tough. I’m not intending on becoming a “TV Psychic”, I just want to remain true to myself, and comfort people on a one to one basis. I couldn’t handle the pressure of all the TV cameras for a start. For me providing help, guidance and comfort through private consultations out of the media is what works. My Nan and Great Nan were never interested in fame and fortune, all they wished to do was help people in need. I’ve certainly inherited that feeling. The only media work I feel comfortable doing is my article writing and perhaps a few photos on my websites.
It is through these experiences and my research that has inspired me to teach others about their angels.
I know that everyone doesn’t share my belief in angels or in fact the afterlife, but what I’d say to them would be;
“If you have ever faced a tough time in your life and prayed for help, even a simple “God Help Me”, and somehow things have turned out OK, perhaps you could consider that maybe it was your guardian angel watching over you”.
Aurora Brierley ~ The Faerie Whisperer can be contacted at
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