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Rosemary Price
psychic medium
Dream experiences and their meanings - can be good or bad but mostly they can be scary and people tend to get caught up in them and wish they could wake up, then wondering what the meaning of their dreams are.
Many dream of flying, others of falling, others of swimming and the majority of people who come to me for an analysis have a recurring experience which might vary a little from night to night but has a theme to it. They may well go through the same routine and procedure every single time or it may be a little different each time because it it the way dreams go.
The important thing to remember is not to take them literally. If your dreams are about your teeth falling out this does not mean that this will happen, it may mean that you are ending a phase in your life and beginning a new one. It may also mean that you are getting rid of something bad.
To work out the meaning of your dreams means not only looking at the dream itself but what you are going through and feeling at the time. If you are changing your job, moving, getting married or anything substantial take this into account when working it all out. The idea that you can look up the meanings in a book which generalises and makes black and white statements about the meaning based purely on what was in the dreams is neither logical or realistic. By looking at it this way, the wrong way, you will dart off in the wrong direction and miss clues.
When your friend dreams of flying it might have a totally different meaning to when you do, because you are different people going through different things with different feelings, attitudes and perspectives on them.
There are not many professional interpreters around but I am one of the few who do this for clients. Though I do stress that unless you are going through a tough time there is no reason to bother, why not just accept it as part of your life? If you are going through a time of indecision, change, sadness, then by all means try to get your dreams into perspective with the rest of your life and get a professional to help you if you are unable to do this alone. Sometimes dreams are warnings, other times reflections, sometimes predictions, it will vary from person to person. If you are seeking solid predictions about your future then this is not the way to go, get a seer to look at a crystal ball and maybe use the tarot cards for something more aimed at divination and predictions.
This has been written for Rosemary Price the psychic medium and clairvoyant at Dream experiences and their meanings.
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