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1. Angels at the Opening Circle
As a child I saw an angel. It can't have been anything else. A fearful child in the darkness, I had prayed for peace and an end to my worries. One night I opened my eyes and watched a being of softest, warmest light appear in my room. In moments my fear had melted. Peace, calm and something I can only describe as blessed relief washed over me and I felt safe, loved and utterly at peace.
My work as a psychic artist has drawn me closer to angels because many people I work with, work with angels themselves. Just lately I have noticed an increasing frequency of angelic helpers appearing as guides in channelled pictures. Angels seem to be drawing closer and making their presence known. Now I don't profess to be an angel expert but like everyone else, I AM an expert in my own reality and that is now including angels on a regular basis. They and their energy feels blissful, so blissful I want to learn more and I want to share.
Angels don't seem to need much encouragement. I remember an angel coming in as a guide for a lady in Stockport 2 years ago.
"But I don't work with angels" she said "I know nothing about them."
"Well there's an angel with you" I replied "it's not there for nothing."
She laughed. "I've just bought a book on angels because I know that littl

2. Light Being at Distant Healing
e about them."And there you have it. Just a little spark of interest, a fleeting thought is all angels need and they will be there for you.
Recently at one of Chris Parkes (The Reiki School Altrincham) Reiki Exchanges I was asked whether it was possible to channel pictures of the energy of distant healing. I liked the idea and when I checked in with my artist guides they gave a full thumbs up. During the evening three pictures were produced. The first picture certainly shows angelic beings and the third a being whose energy felt angelic as she was being channelled. Fuller details on Chris's site ( and on (
At a Mind Body and Spirit show last year a little voice whispered in my ear. It said "Angels walk among us". It would take too long to recount every story I have since heard from clients who have told me extraordinary and moving stories of their experiences with angels. All the good stuff you hear about angels is true. Miracles happen. I am sure I am preaching to the converted but if you are new to this concept - believe it people. Angels are here.
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