This course includes the Reiki 2 attunement, working more deeply with 3 of the Reiki symbols, distance/absent healing, mental/emotional healing, how to give a full treatment using symbols and working as a professional Reiki practitioner. Your certificate enables you to practice professionally (with insurance).
Second degree Reiki builds on the energy level acquired at Reiki Level 1. The Reiki 2 attunement expands your energy body further, increasing the amount of healing energy you can carry and raising your personal vibration higher. Second degree Reiki further increases your sense of personal awareness and develops your intuitive powers. In Japanese this degree is called "Oku Den", meaning a more thorough exploration, or deeper knowledge of, the Self. This implies that the higher levels of Reiki can bring us deeper levels of contentment in our lives and our relationships will become more harmonious. Second degree may also help us to change direction in life and give more clarity to our purpose in life. We are empowered to take control of ourselves, to gradually reduce negative patterns and enhance good qualities of inner peace and compassion. Second degree Reiki therefore works more on the mental and emotional bodies, helping to release negative behavioural patterns and restore balance.
Cost: £175. Please email me at
[email protected] for further information and/or to book a place.
Helen Shortland (MGSW)
Reiki Master Healer/Teacher
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