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Light workers, stars seeds and way showers, now is the time for your deep understanding of why and how you are to be of assistance to earth humanity and universe.
You have been aware now for some time; some since birth others from 1984 when the harmonic convergence happened and many more since 2012:
The awareness of your status and inner being has grown exponentially and you are now in the vibrations of the new age frequency all the time, you are receiving these frequencies from the sun, the local solar system and others from the universe.
These are part of the energy that is shifting the basic DNA of all life so that it can be in alignment with the new vibrations for the new age.
As light workers you know you are in receipt of these energies and you understand that its you who are receiving and anchoring them into yourself and the core of Gaia, holding them fast as all is shifting into the new body.
You now know that you are sovereign and one of the souls who came to earth to do this at this time and we of the galactic energetic vibrations are with you all the way.
You may still be experiencing the symptom of these higher frequencies as they come into earth atmosphere, but you now realising that you can incorporate them into your daily life and be at ease with them as they become your new normal.
You have all fulfilled the rolls of way shower and have absorbed the teachings into your heart and inner self as is the inner universe.
Currently’ as the powers that be are showing you that you must live in this new light with all comforts of being ‘at home’, it is time to carry on with the leadership and lead others to this state of calmness and cope with the old third dimensional simulation by your actions and responses.
You hold the power of the divine source, and you are aware consciously that you CAN alter the outside situations in subtle ways of giving out silently as well as vocally to everyone who you interact with at this time.
As you alter your own frequency and lightness and hold it; it automatically changes the outside world.
Be consciously aware that you are doing this, and it will amplify greatly, and this is the time to do it, you are the way shower for humanity and as such have the responsibility of making your light count in every possible way.
The happiness you get from this is heaven on earth.
Be light. Be love. Be happy.
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