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If you want to live an inspired life from your heart you can and it’s easier than you might think. Too often though people can get caught in a downward slump of procrastination and self-doubt and that’s when you might just begin to feel that you’re not living your soul purpose or in alignment with your true values.
When this happens you may begin to feel soulfully disconnected from what matters in your life and at it’s very worse you can feed into the doubts, fears and emotional sabotages that may begin to surround your every waking moment. When this happens your mind, body and soul are very much out of balance and it’s then that you have to do some real soul searching to re-activate your Divine spark.
So, how can you begin to flourish and thrive in your life? What’s the secret to living a fulfilling and happy life anyway? There’s really only three questions that you need to ask yourself to get started on your journey back to emotional fulfilment and joy and here’s the first question to ask yourself.
1. What makes your heart sing?
Now really consider what brings the fizzing bubbles of joy into your heart?
A great exercise is to take 5 minutes to tune into your heart chakra. I’ve created this simple heart chakra wisdom exercise for you to try yourself. Firstly, it’s important that you sit in a quiet place away from distractions. Close your eyes and speak gently to your heart. Ask it what it needs to be happy. Envision your heart as a glowing rose quartz crystal, shimmering and pulsating in the light of the sun. As you ask this question, what does your heart reply? What feelings spring to mind?
Make a mental note of everything that you experience through all of your everyday senses and also any messages you may receive from any of the clair senses – clairaudient, claircognizant, clairvoyance, clairsentience etc.. Just be an observer, pass no judgement on this experience, simply enjoy this communication with the knowledge you are receiving from your heart.
Then, following this exercise write or record everything that you have just experienced. Don’t censor how you feel, what you write or say – just go with the flow of your heart, trust me it knows what it needs to feel joy and happiness. This is a powerful exercise to tune into the gateway of your heart and can really help you gain the va
luable insights and gems of wisdom about what it is that actually does make your heart sing.
2. What gifts can you share with others?
Every single person has a unique gift to share with the world. Whether that’s writing, singing, making great videos or capturing stunning wildlife photography. Once you’ve found out what makes your heart sing it’s easy to discover the treasures that you can share with the rest of the world.
These are your Divine gifts that you have been blessed with, why would you waste them? Why would you hide them away from the world? Showcase your gifts, share your talents, ignite the passion and joy in others to inspire them to also bring their gifts into the world. Our world needs it!
3. How best can you serve others?
Once you’ve asked the first two questions and you’ve completed the heart chakra wisdom exercise you will begin to have a better understanding of how you can serve others. For example, you’ve spoken to your heart and written all of the insights you received, you’ve made a note of all of your gifts and talents – now all you need to do is decide how you will package that up in a way that serves the people around you.
Start with friends and family, then maybe go out into your community, then before you know it you’re serving people from all over the world with your special and Divinely gifted skills! It’s a ‘win win’ situation. You have started a tidal wave of love in action, everybody gains something spectacular and nobody loses and that’s how you begin to live an inspired life from your heart!
I hope that I have served you with this article? Believe me that each and every person when they start to live from their heart will automatically become more inspired, joyful and happy. I’ve witnessed the many ripples of love that expands each time a person connects to their heart in this way. Try it for yourself and let me know what you’ve discovered from the wisdom of your heart, I’d love to hear from you!
Many blessings on your inspired journey soul travellers.
Jo Cruise Co-Founder, BA (Hons) IIHHT, FHT
Holistic Life Coach, Author, Mentor & Member of:
The Federation of Holistic Therapists, The Reiki Association
You can also find me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram too, where I post daily messages for your inspired heart!
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