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I have recently become a member of the Network section of this website and it is so nice to connect with like minded people. I was very happy to have an old friend who moved away from my area join in my group and this led to a comment from someone else who asked if she was in my soul group. My answer was definitely yes and I knew that because this person first came on the vibration of purple and that is my colour. It is the essence of the lavender flower a symbol of the old hag who brings in ancient knowledge. Those I recognise either come dressed in purple or I see the purple around them. Purple is the colour which connects us to earth energies and it is the ray of Merlin. We all come here with our own colour rays and they are with us throughout our lives.
There is great understanding to be gained from studying colour and learning its language but as in most spiritual subjects the best knowledge comes from within as we follow our feelings and trust our inner knowing. I have a great love of orange and it is the colour of India and Hinduism and Buddhism. It is the saffron robe which is symbolic of renouncing the earthly life and following a spiritual path. My living room has been many shades of orange in recent years and it reflected my first love which was my real introduction to my path and this was the philosophy of Hinduism. Yogananda’s Autobiography Of A Yogi thrills me as much today as it always did.
The time has come for a change. Like all of us I must move on, the orange has completed its work for when we surround ourselves with a certain colour it is because we need it and we take it into our energy field. There are many stories of mediums who see the colour literally disappearing from their furnishings. So I have changed the colour scheme in my living room and it is now cream. As I replaced the orange candles with gold ones I felt such a sense of relief for the orange to be going and to welcome in the gold.
The colours we wear and even the flowers we bring into our homes all tell a story as we move through the colour palette absorbing the vibration of each colour we connect to. These thoughts are my interpretations of colour based upon my own experiences and yours will be different. Using colour is the same as using symbols and we create our own dictionary of a new language. Just as those who come for development very often come on the purple there are other colour rays to be aware of. When there is orange around a person they are at that moment working with the energy of that vibration and they usually have a Buddha with them.
The red is for the heart and depending on the depth of colour you can see how much healing is needed in the heart. Pink is about healing old emotions, red is the fire and the awakened heart, the Christ light; Christ usually comes on a red or ruby energy. Whenever you need to use the ruby colour on a person you know that there is a deep healing of the heart taking place.
The yellow is the same as the gold and it brings wisdom, always be glad when you are drawn to yellow for yellow/ gold is the golden flower of the higher self. The yellow vibration will often bring with it a Chinese guide and all the wisdom which accompanies it; knowledge of Chinese medicine, the meridians and the energy body.
Green is the earth and it connects us to The Green Man and the realms of fairies and elementals, it is also the heart. When green is around it can also indicate the presence of Thoth who brings the ancient knowledge of The Emerald Tablets. Thoth is also known as The Heart. Whenever a person is burdened and worn out give them the deepest green and it will act as a tonic.
Many shades of blue have different interpretations; the palest sky blue brings the goddess, the Mary ray. Aquamarine connects you to ancient energies especially those of Atlantis, the dolphins often appear as guides on this colour. Blue is the colour of communication and when combined with silver brings in the masters, The Great White Brotherhood. I remember once when I was moving house a medium told me that there was a long midnight blue coat waiting for me in my new home, this was the gown of my higher self. Navy blue, the colour of the night sky, is the higher self. Navy blue always connects us to the water element and also higher cosmic energies.
I began with the purple, a very high energy and all the shades of purple but I will finish this with black. I find that many people who come to develop spiritually are often afraid of black and it takes time to undo their fear. Black has often been associated with the negative and protection; the negative is only old stagnant energy which needs transforming and we don’t need protection because we are looked after by spirit constantly. The black is the highest vibration, deep velvet black and to work with the black is an honour for it carries the highest of all. Priests wear black, they know. When you have worked your way around the rainbow you are then ready for the black and it will take you into the cosmos and connect you to unlimited wisdom and love.
Think about the colours you have always surrounded yourself with, they are like the numbers which follow us throughout our lives. Reflect on the times when you have changed your colours and see how your life changed. The vibrations around us are changing all the time; the energies filling us and our planet are bringing new colours day by day. I often look to current fashion because I always feel that the colours are so appropriate for the time. Designers like all creative people pick up the colour energies from spirit so that we may all receive them.
The Rainbow Warriors are now returned but we are them, we carry the rainbow within us carrying the colour rays to each other. Remember that the colours will not only tell you where you are at they will also tell you which teachers are with you in spirit. They will bring your attention to their colour so that you may realise they are working with you. Finally what is the colour of love? It is all colours because love is the unity of all and we are the rainbow tribes carrying humanity forward as one.
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