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Almost everyone knows the words of this lovely song made famous by Dame Vera Lynn during World War 2. It was written at a time when many were saying goodbye to husbands, sons, brothers and sweethearts who were going off to war and they wondered if they would ever see them again. Sadly, many did not, as their loved ones made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure our future freedom.
However in all our lives there comes a time when we have to bid farewell to family and friends as a life span reaches its end or perhaps a young life is cruelly cut short. This is where I disagree with the next line “don’t know where, don’t know when” because as a Spiritualist I do know where I will meet them again and I do know when. I know beyond any shadow of doubt that there is a world after this world which I will go to when my time on this earth is over. I have received many, many messages from my parents who are both in the next world and I have sat in my church and heard others receiving similar evidential messages. It can be an emotional experience for many to receive that very first message from a loved one in the next world and boxes of tissues are always on hand. The relief to know that they have arrived safely, that they have met up with family and friends (and pets are often mentioned) is unimaginable. They are still there! They are not in that 6 by 4 grave plot or just a heap of ashes in a funeral urn.
Once we have received that wonderful reassurance what next can be do. Well I don’t think we should go running around from medium to medium seeking ever more proof. It is nice to hear from the next world from time to time but we have our own lives to get on with and so have they! The next world is not one where you spend your time singing hymns around the throne of God. Everyone in that world has work to do. Don’t think you will go there for an everlasting rest! When we first arrive we are allowed a period of recovery after our transition but then we must decide how we can best use our talents and life experience in this new world we find ourselves in. The work we will decide to do will be exactly what suits us. There will be no square pegs in round holes.Working in the “Nurseries of Heaven” is one option for those who love children and there are many children in the next world who need looking after, working with animals is another choice for there are many domestic pets waiting to be reunited with beloved owners, helping those still on the earthplane who perhaps follow the same career or occupation as you did. We will be happy. We will have left our old tired bodies behind us on the earth. Older people grow back to the prime of their life and younger people grow up to maturity. However it is not all work and no play. We have all heard the joke about the cricketer getting a message from a friend who had passed. “The good news is you can still play cricket when you get here. The bad news is your name is down for Saturday’s match!” Well, I don’t know about that but I do know you can continue to learn, attend concerts, read books from the wonderful libraries and do all the things you were never able to do while on the earth.
When someone we love dies we cry but we are really crying for ourselves because we will miss their physical presence. Don’t cry for them because they have gone on to a new and wonderful world and I absolutely agree with the last line of that lovely song “I know we’ll meet again some sunny day.”
I am offering a free copy of my book “Why I am a Spiritualist” to anyone interested. Please contact me by email
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