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Zhan Zhuang' literally
'Standing like a
Tree' begins with this
This particular Practice was given by the Venusian Master Aetherius at the Caxton Hall, on October 22nd, 1956.
The Master Aetherius
''If someone greatly upsets you, do not continue a useless, hot tempered argument with the party in question. Stand perfectly still, hands at your sides and slightly clenched. Balance the body on the balls of the feet by bending your knees very slightly. Look your opponent straight in the eyes, and whisper to yourself, mentally, with all the feeling you can muster:
'God Bless the eye-sight of so-and-so!, filling in the name if you know it. If you do this correctly, no one can do you any harm.
This is a simple practice, but often needs great self-control for correct performance. I feel sure that regular performance of this Spiritual exercise will teach you all an extremely valuable lesson in tolerance. There is nothing negative at all about it, for by doing these things you must send a calming current of Spiritual Power towards the other, which will act like a healing balm on a sore spot. All his hate will be consumed in the fires of your Love.''
Personal Experiences of Peace Pilgrim:
''On one occasion I was called upon to defend a frail eight year old girl against a large man who was about to beat her. It was my most difficult test. I was staying at a range and the family went into town. The little girl did not want to go with them, and they asked, since I was there, would I take care of the child? I was writing a letter by the window when i saw a car arrive. A man got out of the car. The girl saw him and ran and he followed, chasing her into a barn. I went immediately into the barn. The girl was cowering in terror in the corner. He was coming at her slowly and deliberately.
You know the power of thought. You're constantly creating through thought. And you attract to you whatever you fear. So I knew her danger because of her fear. I put my body immediately between the man and the girl. I just stood and looked at this poor, psychologically sick man with loving compassion. He came close. He stopped! He looked at me quite a while. He then turned and walked away and the girl was safe. There was not a spoken word.
Now, what was the alternative? Suppose I had been so foolish as to forget the law of Love by hitting back and relying upon the jungle law of tooth and claw? Undoubtedly I would have been beaten - perhaps even to death and possibly the little girl as well! Never underestimate the power of God's Love - it Transforms! It reaches the spark of good in the other person and the person is disarmed.''
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