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Shiva Lingam
Shiva Lingam
The Stone of Nurturing.
The Shiva Lingam Stone is from the sacred Narmada River in Onkar Mandhata, one of India's seven holy sites. Villagers gather this unique Crypto-crystalline quartz from shallow river beds. Lingam describes the shape-egg like, but hand polished to balanced proportions. This often worshiped fertility stone is revered by Hindus as the embodiment of Lord Shiva. Lingam is also the sacred Sanskrit word for phallus.
In Tantra, the Shiva Lingam shape embodies masculine energy, dynamic expression and knowledge. The markings named Yoni (sacred sanskrit word for vulva), depicts the feminine energy

Shiva Lingam
, wisdom and intuition. Together, the female energy arouses the masculine urge to create. As such, the Tantric Lingam unifies the dualistic (male female) world into harmonious balance.
The ancient practice of Feng Shui uses the sacred Shiva Lingam Stone to direct the energy flow throughout one's home. Place a Shiva Lingam in the Relationships/Marriage area of your home to increase fertility and to bring you closer to your partner.
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