Mike O’Hare spent all his working life in the printing trade, one way or the other. Starting out in the newspaper industry as an indentured apprentice compositor, he progressed swiftly through all the manufacturing aspects of the composing room.
These were in the old ‘hot metal’ days where a piece of metal type was a real item and to produce it meant operating the most marvellous machinery that had ever been invented.
Once technology had taken a firm hold of how a newspaper should be produced and the computer became king, Mike decided that it was time to move on, unable to embrace a finished product which had no soul. The electronic era had arrived and he had no idea at the time how much he would be exploiting it as a writer in later life, whilst in the meantime he moved over to sales – in printing of course.
He finished up running his own successful small business as a print broker and took early retirement to carry on a hobby that had always interested him. Writing became a passion and although he had always had a book inside of him, it never seemed to get off the ground. Instead he wrote short stories and articles for magazines and newspapers.
One day, by chance, he came across a Canadian author through the Internet. They discovered a great deal in common between them and daily discussions soon evolved into something quite unique. He happened to mention that book still lying dormant in his head and revealed his innermost thoughts to Elfreda who eventually became his writing partner after she learned of the amazing story behind the man.
Mike and Elfreda are now ready to give their book to the world. Titled “The Meadow”, the novel leans heavily towards the spiritual aspects of life. In the meantime Mike would like to share and discuss various subjects about life and, of course, the message that is encrypted within “The Meadow” will never be far from his thoughts.
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My Articles
Tue,30 Jun 2009
I am aware of all the attention that this ‘new-age philosophy’ is attracting. Until someone can come forward and provide proof for what is being forecast to happen in the near future, I’m afraid that ...Read More
Wed,29 Apr 2009
There are three basic strains of ’flu. They are catagorized as A, B or C, A being the most dangerous. Thousands of people die from these strains every year, and depending on the condition of that pers...Read More
Thu,16 Apr 2009
I was inspired to write this article about the feather after reading Cherokee Billie's amazing descriptive piece titled "Have you picked up a feather lately?".
I consider this so important, that I...Read More
Thu,05 Mar 2009
If I could collect one tiny snippet of truth each time I heard the question: “Is there more to life than this?” then I would be a truly wise person indeed. It deserves a simple explanation now tha...Read More
Wed,18 Feb 2009
If you are in any way concerned about your environment and your health, then I ask you to access the following links.
First allow me to let you into the secrets about global warming. This is not ca...Read More
Mon,15 Dec 2008
Illness is a blessing! How this statement must hurt, especially to those who may be lying on a bed of sickness, and I apologise for opening this article on such a note. However, we are all suffering f...Read More
Mon,08 Dec 2008
It’s hard to believe that in this modern world of science, we humans originate from a single source. This is singularity of a magnitude that we can only attempt to visualise and understand.
As a con...Read More
Fri,28 Nov 2008
I suppose my family is not that much different to any other when it comes to liv...Read More
Fri,28 Nov 2008
It is my assumptio...Read More
Wed,19 Nov 2008
Let’s see if I can manage to get a bit of interaction going on the SpiritGuides site. Now here’s a subject in which everyone can partake and I mean everyone—w...Read More
Sat,11 Oct 2008
Mike O’Hare spent all his working life in the printing trade, one way or the other. Starting out in the newspaper industry as an indentured apprentice compositor, he progressed swiftly through all the...Read More
Tue,30 Sep 2008
EXCERPTS (No. 1) FROM “THE MEADOW” — a story of love and devastation stretching over thousands of years
Excerpt from The Prologue — meet Rachel, one of the authors and her dream about wri...Read More
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