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Memo of encouragement:
Dear star seeds who have come to earth and lowered their frequency vibration so that they can walk with the humans of earth and support them as they evolve into their own sovereignty, their true path.
As a star seed you know your true path is the working divine being that you are, you are aware that you have come from the universal entities and taken on the form of a human specifically to do this job.
Are you aware that you are the representation of God here on earth, how far are you in understanding that you’re a divine angelic soul who has chosen to do this, so that earth and universe can move gently into the higher fifth dimensional delta frequency and function there.
Ever human is a divine being, it is the star seeds that will show them the way to their own sovereignty and true path.
Dear star seeds do you feel this power within your physical body as it pulses through you and lifts you up into the highest part of your being, you all realise that there is something going on and it involves you and your unique self and it has set you apart from any others, you may not be able to put your finger on it but you do know that you are destine for certain things as you are progressing through your life path.
Be clear about who you are, you have chosen to come to earth at this time, do not doubt yourself and your feelings of intuition, intelligence, emotion and imaginations.
These are your true guidance, and they live within your heart and soul, they are the things that you can rely on without outside pollution from the society’s controls.
You can still adhere to the earths third dimensional rules but know that you can also be outside of them and still get the best out of life.
Be true to yourself, rely on yourself, alter your frequency and hold it high all the time, it will place you into the frequency of light love and true contentment with yourself and all those around you.
You have the power to bring heaven onto earth in this way, you are a powerful being from outside planet earth, you are the aliens, and you are the first contact once you understand who and where you come from.
Life outside planet earth is vast it is not physical it is energetic, frequencies and vibrations, earth natives vibrate on their own different frequencies to those who are from another star system and galixy, they function on their own frequency that is different to earths.
That is why they cannot be seen easily by the humans.
The star seed have taken on the same earthly physical body so that they can mix and guide others to a new destiny.
Once you accept that all your life has been different to others and you have found that it has made life hard for you, accept that you are different and do have different ways because you have come here as an alien to be among humans, it becomes clearer and easier to walk through the life path you have chosen.
You have the sovereignty, holding the powerful energy of the love for all things be proud of it, you are receiving the new photon scalars light that is being bombarded onto earth currently, changing the DNA of all peoples, you are unloading and anchoring these into earth’s core, it’s your job to understand your light and expand it out to all things.
This is altering the vibrations and frequencies of all peoples, life, planet and universe, it is adding to the DNA of life and is the way into the constant waves of gamma frequency, the fifth dimensional frequency of photon sacral light information for all things.
So, keep your energy high and give it out to the earth and universe with the love of you true being that you are.
Be love, Light and happy.
Consciousness is God: an infinite living organic conscious intelligence and omnipotent that permeates everything in this universe the fundamental cause behind the universe… You are God manifested as you:
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