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March on. Do not tarry. To go forward is to move toward perfection. March on, and fear not the thorns, or the sharp stones on life's path. Khalil Gibran ...
March. As I sit here, and think of March I get energy downloads pouring through my head. Yes, its a powerful month.
On the 1st day of March I drove through Daffodils ( Not like a tank - they have edged the roads :).
On the 2nd i saw the first buds of blossom outside Starbucks on Neal's Street of all places - when I live in the country!
On the 3rd I write to you about the signs of new life coming out of the darkness... Yes March is a powerful time of transition, the old and new crossing over.
How many signs of new life are starting to come through for you? If you are struggling to see the new buds do not worry. Perhaps you are still in the end part of Winter.
March takes us into the time of Pisces. The last sign of the zodiac, Pisces wishes to escape the wheel of Samsara ( the zodiac / life / karma) and transcend into Nirvana, merging with the source of absolute divinity. Once that happens, the new life comes in strong (in Aries). But that passage can be fast, but that is unusual. Usually it feels painfully slow. Just like the passage of The Hanged Man ( in the Tarot / life / karma) whose zodiac association is yes - Pisces
I have observed this pattern in my life (and sometimes others) from November to March, on numerous occasions o
ver the years. The most significant pattern for me was the literal birth and death passage of my daughter from 24th November 1997 to March 17th 1998 - so close to Mothers day.
At her passing she was likened to Blossom that never turned into an apple, destined to stay beautiful and pure, never to grow old and get rotten. And for sure that happened. I was telling a friend the other day about what a pure experience that was, to love her whole and openheartedly, knowing that I would loose her, but knowing that if I didn't I would live to regret it.
Did my life become new after that?
How could it not?
Since November 1998 my practice has been to -
1) Love like I have never been hurt
2) Honour and commit fully to each and every experience, no matter how hard
3) Look at what it has come to teach me
4) Validate that teaching in walking my talk
5) Never think why me, but think why not me?
6) Feel gratitude for every magical amazing experience.
7) Remember that life is hear to be lived - fully.
8) Validate the gift that has been given.
9) Let go of fighting with reality.
10) Just decide to do all I can to the best of my ability.
Can you think of a life changing time and the top ten things you learnt from it?
Are you still applying those practices to your life today?
What passage are you going through now?
What is it teaching you?
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