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Absent Healing with Crystals
To understand how absent healing works you need to acknowledge the subtle-energy that permeates our universe. We all exist on several levels of reality at the same time and all energy comes from a single source (which some people call God, others may say the cosmic energy). When we raise our awareness from the purely physical plane we can step outside the rigid patterns and influence the flow of energy instantaneously. This is also why the power of prayer has been proved to be so effective as it is a method of influencing the cosmic currents to flow in a particular direction.
Tips for when offering Absent Healing
You should if possible ask the recipient for permission before sending healing, however as this is not always possible, let your own conscience and intuition guide you to be sure that you only offer healing in an ethical way such as offering healing without any attachments to the outcome.
Allow the benefits of Absent Healing to continue after you have finished your own healing session by placing your crystal on top of a photograph of the recipient or if you do not have a photo you can write their name on a piece of paper and place your crystal on top of that.
How to Program your Absent Healing Crystal
To program your crystal simply hold it to your third eye chakra (between and just above your eyes) and concentrate on the purpose for which you wish to use it. Imagine positive energy flowing through the crystal.
You can also write and state an intention of the programming out loud. For example "I program this crystal for healing" or for sending love, abundance, dream interpretation etc.. whatever you decide to use this particular crystal for.
What you will need
Clear Quartz with a single termination as shown in picture or 1 Amethyst with single termination.

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How to do Absent Healing
Program the crystal you intend to use as described above.
Allow your breathing to be relaxed, easy and natural. Sit in a quiet space and focus your mind on the person to whom you are sending healing.
Hold your crystal in your right hand, with the termination point facing away from you. Now you need to visualize a strong beam of white light emanating from the tip of your crystal. Continue focusing and you will start to feel a definite contact being made with the person (this can take a few minutes of concentrated effort to achieve).
Now allow the beam of light from the crystal you are holding to make a strong contact with the person you are offering healing to. Once this contact is established allow the healing to flow. This usually takes aprox 20 minutes.
Hold your concentration on the person, as the more you focus the stronger the energy will be. Be aware of any insights you receive into the reason for their dis-ease. You may receive some or you may not, but send them positive and loving thoughts.
Finally when you have finished sending healing, retract the white light back into the crystal. Ground and center your self then cleanse your crystal. You can do this by running it under clear water for a few moments.
Distance Healing is a great way to help others especially at times when you feel someone would really benefit from healing.
Learn Crystal Healing
As crystals have such a powerful effect crystal therapy is becoming more and more popular. If you would like to learn more about crystal healing which can be introduced with a number of other therapies such as Reik Healing, Aromatherapy, Energy Healing etc.. then download a free course prospectus and start your wonderful journey into the world of precious gems and stones.
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