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David Bower and Mamiko Maridianna, co-founders of Lemurian Healing
You’ve finally you booked an energy healing session with that practitioner you found. Now what? Well for starters, don’t expect your healer to do all the work.
What!? Isn’t that what I’m paying for?
Here’s a secret: All healing is self-healing. And the more you consciously participate in your own healing process, the more satisfied you’ll be with the results.
Ultimately, you are the only one who can heal your physical body. You are the only one who can heal your relationships, eliminate your abundance issues, get over a broken heart, or think yourself out of depression.
Medical professionals, energy healers, therapists and shamans can all apply their tools and techniques to assist you in your healing journey, but only you can heal you. Whatever level of healing you achieve in this life is up to you.
Now, with that in mind I’d like to share some practical advice for getting the most out your healing sessions. I’ve been doing healing work for more than 15 years, and this is the advice I still give to my clients.
TIP: If you’re only going read one part of this article, read this one!
Going into a healing session without a clear purpose is like getting into a taxi and not telling the driver where you want to go. The driver can start driving (with the meter running, of course), but without a clear destination it just becomes a pleasant yet somewhat meaningless drive around town.
Get clear about your healing goals. Think about what you want to change or achieve in your life.
Do you want to get rid of a particular fear? Are you having money problems and want to attract more abundance? Is there a relationship you need to heal or let go? Is your goal to overcome an illness or disease?
Whatever you want to achieve, do your best to picture your desired outcome clearly. Don’t focus on the problem and how you got there. That’s old news. Focus instead on the ideal outcome. Envision the future reality you truly want to experience.
Picture your healing outcome in as much detail as possible. Imagine how you’ll feel in your new state of being.
And please write it down. Or type it. The important thing is to get it out of your head and onto the page. The act of writing out your healing intent accomplishes two things. It helps you achieve better clarity, and it starts to bring your desire into manifestation.
I can feel the questions brewing in your mind. Here’s a little Q&A.
What if I’m not exactly clear about my focus for the healing session?
That’s perfectly OK. Make some notes and discuss it with your practitioner.
Many people have a general idea about what they want, and the clarity comes once they start discussing it with someone. A good practitioner will listen carefully and help you establish a clear, mutual focus for your healing session.
What if I have no idea what to focus on?
This scenario is fairly common, especially with first-time clients. If you have no clue where to start, think about one significant change you’d really like to make in your life.
And here’s a potent question to ask yourself: What is the single biggest source of stress in my life? For most people, the answer to this question provides the perfect focus for a healing session—or a series of healings.
In healing, as in every aspect of life, the more focus and clarity you have about what you want, the more successful you’ll be.
Chances are you’re not receiving regular weekly healing sessions. So, the session you’ve booked is kind of a big deal. Don’t waste it.
Energy healing works with subtle, non-physical energies, which means it’s hard for you to receive the full benefits of a healing session when you’re overly tired, tensed or stressed.
Do your best to get a good night’s rest before your scheduled session. And add a little extra time to your travel schedule to ensure that you can show up on time rather than rush around and get stressed about being late.
3. Do some deep breathing at the outset of the session
Your healing practitioner will most likely chat with you at the beginning of a session to understand you goals, explain the session format, and answer your questions.
Once the actual energy work begins, you’ll want to close your eyes and become as relaxed and receptive as possible. Deep breathing is the easiest way to do this.
Inhale slowly, gently and deeply through your nose, filling your lungs as fully as you can. As you exhale, use your intent to let go of any tension you feel in your body. Continue breathing deeply, feeling your body become more relaxed with each breath.
After a few cycles of deep breathing, silently call upon the non-physical realms to assist in your healing. In your thoughts, consciously enlist the support of your higher self and any spirit beings, angels or deities you’re comfortable calling upon. Tell them your intended goals for your healing and thank them for their participation.
In all the years of my practice, I have never done a healing session without the participation of non-physical beings. They always show up, even without an explicit invitation. However, I have found that their support can be much more effective when they are consciously, clearly and sincerely called upon to assist.
The effects and benefits of an energy healing don’t end when the session is over.
Energy healing helps you release old thoughts, emotions, and energetic patterns that no longer serve you and allows you to integrate new, higher vibrating frequencies on multiple levels—physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
This process takes time and usually unfolds in the days following a session, especially when you’re asleep. To help you receive the highest good from your healing session, it’s best to give yourself some extra TLC.
Listen to your body. Take it easy. Be gentle with yourself.
Energy healing can stir up all sorts of things. So don’t be alarmed if you experience some physical discomfort in the hours or days following a healing session.
You may not experience any discomfort at all. However, common symptoms can include headaches, abdominal cramps, feeling heavy or tired, body aches, low fever, or feeling the urge to go to the bathroom more often than usual. Buried emotions such as sadness, regret or anger can also come to the surface.
If you experience any of these reactions, remind yourself that this is all very common and simply part of the healing process. Typically, any physical or emotional symptoms should dissipate in a couple of days.
Here are my top four post-session, self-care tips:
* DRINK LOTS OF PURE, FRESH WATER, especially in the hours following your session. Plain water is best, although mild herbal teas are fine, too. You want to keep your body hydrated and fluids moving through you.
* REST AND RELAX. Ideally, you’d be able to take a nap immediately after a session. If this isn’t practical, do your best to take it easy the rest of the day following your session. Avoid crowds and harsh environments. Sleep as much as you can.
* TAKE A BATH. A warm, relaxing bath can help you release stagnant energies that were stirred up during your healing session. Picture the water helping you release this old stuff you no longer need. And as you drain your bathtub, imagine all the old energy disappearing down the drain and out of your life.
* BE CAREFUL ABOUT WHAT YOU PUT INTO YOUR BODY. If you really want to enjoy all the benefits of your healing session, eat light and be very discerning about what you put into your body. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, heavy foods (such as meat), refined sugar and highly processed foods.
Healing is a life-long journey. Once we heal one facet of our lives, another facet comes to the surface for our attention, love and healing.
And although we each have the potential to heal ourselves in every way, I don’t believe we’re meant to do it alone. Part of the human adventure is learning to ask for help and allowing others to assist us.
Yet, even when we seek out the services of energy healers and other practitioners, we need to consciously take responsibility for our own healing. Hopefully, the guidance I’ve shared in this article will help you experience the best possible outcomes from your healing sessions.
DAVID BOWER is a healer, spiritual teacher, and co-founder of Lemurian Healing along with his wife, Mamiko Maridianna. With their home base in Hawaii (the ancient mountaintops of Lemuria), they have been teaching their unique healing modality since 2007 and training teachers since 2009. Their next teaching visit to the UK will be to Glastonbury in August 2015. For details go to
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