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Healing with Spirit
Why do we need healing?
Within the body is the Spirit, a spiritual double so to speak
and within this body of light there are portals, called chakras
that are constantly swirling around assimilating the life-force
energy. They receive energy, transmit energy, are the communication
centre of the spirit, and control our spiritual, mental,
and physical welfare. The chakras are the portals in your
aura, the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds every
living thing. We usually replenish this energy field through
the food we eat and through the rays of cosmic energy from
our environment. Sometimes though, this is not enough and
our energy becomes depleted to the point of us needing
Spiritual healing is a universal energy sent from the
source, through the healer to the patient through these
Imagine you are an electrical appliance with several ports
from which to acquire electricity, the USB plug, the actual
plug from the wall or the batteries. These ports are like the
chakras in your energy field and we depend on these ports to
draw in the energy we need to survive. If a port is damaged,
the appliance will not work and the same applies to chakras.
Too much emotional anxiety, drugs, or severe pain can
damage the chakras, they can begin to leak the life-giving
energy, and this in turn can shut down the body in disease.
This is when healing is most definitely needed. The healing
energy can be taken in through any chakra, but your own
spirit will decide which chakra to attend to first.
Once the healing energy is given, the patient’s own spirit
takes over and applies the healing to wherever it has the
greatest potential to heal. For instance, you might have a
headache, and of course, the pain is in your head, but that is
not where the body needs healing. You lost your job; you are
worried and afraid of what the future might hold. You try not
to think about it, but the brain knows that you have to cope
with it somehow, so it produces a physical pain, hence the
headache. Your spirit knows this and sends healing, not to
your head, but to the chakra that controls emotions, as this is
where it really hurts.
The healers are mere channels for those on the other side
who administer this wonderful energy. In fact, most healers
like the word channel, as this is more appropriate. They know
the actual energy comes directly from Spirit, through their
spiritual centre, out through their hands and minds to the
Think of Spirit as the source of energy, the socket so to
speak, the healer is the wire that leads to the patient and the
patient is the actual appliance.
Here is a basic idea of the chakras, where they are, what
they govern and what can go wrong if they are imbalanced:
Crown chakra: Top of skull – Spiritual connection
Governs: Brain, muscular and central nervous system.
Blocked: Depression, brain tumors, headaches, confusion, and
disassociation with the body.
Healthy: Feeling spiritually connected to all living things.
Intelligence, open-mindedness, an ability to retain
knowledge and a greater sense of awareness.
Third Eye: Brow - Intuition
Governs: Eyes, ears, nose, face, sinuses, pineal and pituitary
Blocked: Nightmares, eye, ear and nose infections, inability to
remember dreams, poor vision and poor imagination
Healthy: Intuitive, perceptive, remember dreams, psychic
abilities, strong imagination Throat Chakra: Neck - Communication
Governs: Throat, neck, mouth, teeth, vocal chords and the jaw
Blocked: Not being able to express your feelings, weakness in
vocal chords, hoarse, throat infections, pain in jaw, neck
problems, gum infections and thyroid problems
Healthy: Ability to express yourself, communicates well, good voice and strong neck muscles
Heart Chakra: Chest – Emotion
Governs: Heart, lungs, immune system, upper back and
bronchial tubes
Blocked: Withdrawn, depression, sadness, fear of intimacy,
and shyness
Healthy: Compassionate, loving, caring, balanced and at ease
in relationships
Solar Plexus: Below the diaphragm – Will Power
Governs: Digestive system, liver, gallbladder, stomach,
pancreas and adrenal system
Blocked: Poor digestion, fearful, low self-esteem, weak willed,
sluggish and low on energy
Healthy: Confident, respectful, ability to meet challenges and
inner harmony felt within
Sacral Chakra: Lower abdomen – Sexuality
Governs: Intestines, pelvis, kidneys, sexual organs, lower back
and prostrate
Blocked: lack of passion, desire, frigidity and fear of change
Healthy: Ability to experience excitement and pleasure, self-nurturing,
healthy sexual appetite
Root: Base of spine – Survival
Governs: Immune system, base of spine, legs, bones, and feet.
Blocked: Bowel disorders, leg pain, lower back pain, skin
problems, lack of energy, inability to relax and fear for
Healthy: Grounded, sensible, ability to find harmony, vitality,
and trusting of others
If you want to know if your chakras are blocked just hold the
palm of your hand an inch or so away from them, if they are
working correctly you will feel a slight tingle in the centre of
your palm, if they are blocked you will feel nothing. If this is
so, try moving your hand in a circular motion around the
centre of the chakra. Sometimes this helps to get the energy
moving again. This might take a bit of practice and you will
need to become sensitive to the energies emanating from the
chakras, but in time, you will master it and know exactly
which chakras need healing.
Why do we need healing? We are energy, we are light, and
through the difficulties of life, we can lose that energy, or find
it depletes easily in a world of stress. When we are in love we
are full of energy, could climb a mountain and still have
energy to go dancing, that’s because when you are in love the
energy flows from you to the one you love and back again.
You become more psychic, as in; you just know he is going to
call. You smell a rose as if it is the first time you did, and life
seems so much more exciting. You are glad to be alive.
We should be feeling on top of world, raised to your
highest height, full of joy and loving every minute of it, yet all
too often, this is not true because of our lack of energy and a
stressful world. That is why we need healing.
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