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Bluebird of Happiness
These Transmissions were delivered through the unique mediumship of His Eminence Sr George King while in a deep self-precipitated yogic trance in 1957:
Mars Sector 6
''This is Mars.....Sector 6 reporting.Subject - A sign.
Many brothers of Terra have requested from us a sign. Many signs have been given by people from other Planets, signs which should have proved to thinking terrestrial men beyond any doubt that we do exist, that we are indeed living entities, that we have indeed the interest of Terra at heart. As numerous, though, as these signs have been, they still do not satisfy certain terrestrial intelligences. I ask my brothers from Terra who require as a sign a landing of one of our craft in a certain prominent position, to give US a sign!
Science has requested a sign from Flying Saucers. I ask science to give us their sign. What sign do we require? Their goodwill, their complete, open-minded honesty and their proof that if we reveal to them the secrets of the vibrations of crystals, these secrets will be used for the benefit of all. We cannot reveal our science to the scientists of Terra until they prove to us their Godliness. We would only be instrumental in taking Terra back another seventy decades if we gave the secrets of our gravitational control to you now. Would it benefit you? Not so. Would it benefit the ordinary man? It would not. It would be used for belligerent purposes; a belligerence which would be covered by the camouflage of defense. Then, science, know this: when you give unto us a sign, then will we give unto you a sign, the sign which you now require. This will be accepted as the measure of your goodwill.
This Transmission came from Mars....Sector 6, with the sanction and authority of Interplanetary Parliament, based upon the Planet Saturn. I will now switch the relay through to that Intelligence known to Terra as Aetherius.''
The Master Aetherius
''Of course it is so. My friends, it is a pleasure to be able to speak to you again for I see the thought patterns of the majority of you, and I see that you are seekers after Truth.
Some have tried many other ways, many other paths to Peace, yet have failed to find Peace. Dear friends, what is Peace? Surely it is something which is above politics, above national interest, above even that thing which you upon Terra call love. Peace, dear friends, is Enlightenment. There is only one sin in the whole Cosmic System, that is the sin of ignorance, please spell that again - Enlightenment - and you have Peace.*
If Terra were Enlightened there would be no such thing as a rich man; neither would there be a poor man. There would be no such thing as disease; there would be no such thing as a King; there would be no such thing as a dictator; there would be no such thing as a Prime Minister; there would be no such thing as money. Hospitals would not be needed. There would be no need for travel even, because on a correctly Enlightened Planet, travel between one part of the Planet and another is done easily by teleportation and thought projection.
Think for a moment about what I have said. Just imagine, if these conditions were in vogue upon Earth Now how happy you would all be. You would not need to worry about your family, your old age - infirmity stopping you working hard for bare subsistence. Not at all would you. Subsistence would be guaranteed to you by all.
Don't you see, dear friends, as my friend from the Planet Mars has already told you, that if your men in power were to have faith in God instead of a moth-eaten, wicked political system - if science were to have faith in metaphysics instead of the binding limitation of common mathematics - if an economic system were more interested in the world as a whole than it is in its own selfish interests, we could then come among you freely, easily. We could then give to you safely our secrets of Interplanetary and Interstellar travel. Yes, Interstellar! We could give to you all secrets of physical transportation by thought from any position upon the surface of your Planet to any other position upon the surface of your Planet. We could allow you then to visit our Planets, to travel for yourselves through the Solar System in the vehicles you call Flying Saucers.
We could safely make these revelations to you but it is a big ''IF'', isn't it? You will all admit that won't you? Most of you do, anyway.
Do you see, some people upon Terra demand from Planetary Intelligences certain information - information about Lithium 9, information about Tri-helium, information about tuning into and use of existing magnetic fields. This information has been requested from our agents now living upon Terra, by science. Scientists say: 'Give us this information and you then will be able to easily prove yourself.' When our agents reply: 'My friend, I cannot trust you with such information,' what happens? We are disbelieved, our presence is ignored, our very existence is laughed at by those people who should know better.
Now do you see, dear friends, why we cannot reveal these great secrets to you until you reveal to us the manifestation of the spiritual potentialities of your soul.
Reveal this to us and we will give you everything we have.
Reveal this to us and we will land among you.
If we landed before this great revelation upon your part, we would be breaking the Laws as laid down by The Lords of Karma. If we landed freely amongst you and gave to you the secrets of projecting thought by light beams and light by thought impulses, you would be able to sit in a room like this and easily conquer the whole Russian army. Five officers of the Russian army would be able to wipe out the American army, and so it would go on - threat upon threat.
No, dear friends, I want to impress upon you that we are not heartless; we know of your grave difficulties, but don't you see that you have those difficulties because somewhere down along the path of evolution you have done things which have brought those difficulties upon yourself, so YOU have to find the way out - YOU have to work your way out. Certainly we can help you do it, but we cannot give you complete help until you make a start - individually and collectively.
Think about the things I have said. Apply them to your consciousness and, if acceptable, act - ACT - ACT!
Bless you, my dear friends, goodnight,''
* It stands to reason that just as world Peace is a decisive requirement for contact, en mass, with the Great Cosmic Intelligences so also must it work right down the scale with individuals, who are doing a significant job towards world Enlightenment. Thus, 'The Twelve Blessings' as given by the Cosmic Intelligences, as one of the most important spiritual practices we can possibly do in these days, is virtually an important tool towards Enlightening the masses - but also for so preparing ourselves for direct contact with those Great Beings who so designed these practices for the New Age. In other words, every Twelve Blessings Group is, in effect, a Contact Group, for those Beings on the Higher Planets who can use the attendees for direct Spiritual Contact - which is the best type of Contact by the way, as a precursor to actual physical contact at some point in the future, if we deserve to have this.
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