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For those readers who are not familiar with Edgar Cayce, I will give you a very brief history of the man regarded by many as America's legendary mystic. Edgar Cayce was born in rural Kentucky on March 18,1877, and passed on in Virginia Beach, Virginia on January 3, 1945. He gave over 15,000 psychic readings in a coma-like trance state and there are copies of over 14,000 of these readings at his Association For Research And Enlightenment, or A.R.E. for short, in Virginia Beach. Approximately 10,000 of these readings were medical readings where in his deep-trance state he diagnosed medical problems and prescribed remedies, including prescriptions which had not yet been invented. Many of these patients who received medical readings had been classified as hopeless by their medical practitioners and had come to Edgar Cayce as a last resort. Over 300 books have been written about Edgar Cayce and his readings, including at least 12 biographies. For more information on Edgar Cayce you should visit the A.R.E. website at If you would like to read the article that made Edgar Cayce a national celebrity, go to the New York Times website at : .
You can also read this article on the Edgar Cayce website at : .
After medical readings, the next largest group of Edgar Cayce readings was reincarnation or past-life readings. What exactly is a reincarnation reading? An individual, a parent or legal guardian of a child, or a caretaker of an incapacitated adult could request a past-life reading for the purpose of obtaining information about the past lives of the individual, information which might be beneficial in planning the future of this individual. Most of us have had dozens of previous incarnations. The Heavenly Source of Edgar Cayce's information would reveal relevant information for not all but only those past-life experiences which had a karmic connection to the current incarnation. Some readings, especially those for children, contained comments that further information could be revealed in the future when or if the individual were better prepared to understand or deal with the withheld information.
The Edgar Cayce archives contain approximately 2500 past-life readings for some 2000 individuals, and four of these past-life readings revealed informative details of incarnations near Stonehenge. The name Stonehenge does not appear in any of the readings, but they instead refer to the alters near what is now the town of Salisbury in England. Salisbury is eight miles from Stonehenge. The four readings we are going to look at here tie Stonehenge to a migration of refugees who were descendants of Biblical King Hezekiah, the thirteenth King of Judah. These refugees were escaping the onslaught of Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar, and sailed to the coast of modern-day England. Stonehenge is about thirty miles from the English Channel.
Archaeologists believe that Stonehenge was erected by more than one civilization. Our migrants from the Holy Land may not have been the first civilization to settle in the vicinity of Stonehenge, but they were responsible for some of the construction at the site, and their contribution was for religious purposes. It is time to look at the readings.
Reading 3581-1 gets us started. Similar to the Bible, each paragraph in an Edgar Cayce reading has been assigned a number. I prefer to leave the paragraph numbers in my articles so that those readers who have access to the Edgar Cayce readings can easily locate the excerpts quoted. "23. Before that the entity was in the English land during those periods when there were those journeyings into that land from the Holy Land, when the children of Hezekiah prompted many of those even in authority to leave the Holy Land because of Nebuchadnezzar's activities. 24. The entity was young in years when it came into the coasts of England where altars were set up to tie up the meanings of "The Lord thy God is one. ... " 25. The name then was Jeheuh. The entity gained greatly."
Reading 3590-1 mentions Salisbury. "16. Before that the entity was in the English land during those periods when there was the breaking up of the tribes of Israel. 17. The entity was a granddaughter of Hezekiah the king, and among those who set sail to escape when the activities brought the rest of the people into servitude in the Persian land. 18. Then the entity was among those who landed and set up the seat of customs as indicated in the altars built near what is now Salisbury, England. These were the early traditions carried into those activities. 19. The name then was Elemeshia. The entity gained in the ability as a leader, in the ability to influence others, the ability to control the activities of individuals in such a way as to make for the forming of moral habits and ideas in their material experiences."
Reading 3645-1 adds more details to the uses of Stonehenge. "16. Before that the entity was in the Holy Land when there were those breakings up in the periods when the land was being sacked by the Chaldeans and Persians. 17. The entity was among those groups who escaped in the ships that settled in portions of the English land near what is now Salisbury, and there builded those altars that were to represent the dedications of individuals to a service of a living God. 18. Thus the entity aided in giving the records and teachings that may help others in the present, in giving to others that helping hand - who may be as a record keeper. 19. The name then was Mayra."
Lastly, we have reading 5384-1. "9. Before that we find the entity was in the English land in the early settlings of the children of Israel who were foregathered with the daughters of Hezekiah in what is now Somerland, Somerhill or Somerset. There the entity saw group organization for the preservation of tenets and truths of the living God, ... 13. The name then was Ruth."
I realize that the information in the Edgar Cayce readings cannot come close to answering all of our questions about the origins of Stonehenge, but some important facts are provided. One civilization near Stonehenge was comprised of refugees from the Holy Land who were relatives and subjects of King Hezekiah, and who had sailed from the mainland to the coast of England to escape the conquering King Nebuchadnezzar. These immigrants did build alters on the Stonehenge site to worship their one God.
Doug Simpson is a retired high school teacher from Canada. Retirement has blessed him with the opportunity to pursue a second career as a writer and author. His article titled Jesus' Secret Healing was published in the April-June 2010 Venture Inward Magazine, and another article titled The Reincarnation Of Martha Washington was published in the September 2010 edition of Aquarius Magazine under the heading Reincarnation - Who Do We Come In With? Doug may be contacted at
[email protected]. Visit his website at
© Doug Simpson 2010.
Edgar Cayce Readings © 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation. Used by Permission, All Rights Reserved.
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