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Best-Selling Self-Realization author
Seven Steps to Oneness... Journey to a Whole New Life: FREE 8-hour Course on 8 MP3 Downloads. Click here for instant access:
Key Lesson: Blessed are those who do (what they do)... for the love of being a part of what they love; but few are those who know this Divine order of love, let alone what it’s like to have Love itself as their life partner.
There are three ways to get what one wants from life: industry, cunning, or love. Industry is good but at best conditional, for it is subject to the passage and ravages of time.
The “crafty” inevitably trap themselves.
Love, on the other hand, liberates those who seek its company, and it is timeless. When all is said and done, this order of love has the last word because it is its own reward: whatever we are willing to let it make of us, it fashions from itself.
But communion with this timeless love has a cost. It asks for all that we are … and more: it wants us to want to give what it asks of us. But real love never requests any form of sacrifice without first demonstrating why this magnitude of self-surrender is both wise and needed. And so it begins to prepare the heart for the road it’s being asked to travel.
Slowly but surely, our eyes are opened to see the ruthlessness of passing time; we witness within ourselves – and in the lives of all that surround us – the inevitable sorrow born of identifying with the string of temporary loves that mark its passage. These revelations set the stage so that, before too long, what divine love asks of us becomes the one thing that we now want to give to it more than anything else.
What a mystery!
Now, for our willingness to give all, we realize that just the opposite has taken place: we’ve been given everything. We are being remade by love into what we were never able to make of ourselves: whole, happy, fearless, and free.
For over 40 years Guy Finley has helped individuals around the world find inner freedom and a deeper, more satisfying way to live. His in-depth and down-to-earth teachings cut straight to the heart of today’s most important personal and social issues – anxiety, fear, self-discovery, meditation, relationships, addiction, stress, compassion, and personal peace. His work is widely endorsed by doctors, business professionals, celebrities, and spiritual leaders of all denominations.
Guy is the author of 45 books including his international bestseller “The Secret of Letting Go,” that have been translated into 30 languages and have sold millions of copies worldwide.
He has a weekly program on, and is a regular contributor to numerous print and online publications.
Guy is the founder and director of Life of Learning Foundation, a nonprofit Center for Spiritual Discovery located in southern Oregon, with tens of thousands of online newsletter subscribers worldwide. His talks are live-streamed free from the Foundation twice each week.
A Life of Learning outreach program is OneJourney, a growing, international community. In a world where differences among people are tearing us apart, OneJourney uses the wisdom of the ages to show that the journey to wholeness is an inner journey that is essentially the same for all people and all religions throughout time. It’s just been described in different words. The OneJourney site and its ever-expanding Living Book helps us meet life in a new way so that we no longer fight with events, but can use everything to grow stronger while making the world a better place.
Seven Steps to Oneness... Journey to a Whole New Life: FREE 8-hour Course on 8 MP3 Downloads: When all is said and done, there is only one freedom that cannot be diminished, and only one place where its abiding peace can be found...
All that your heart longs for lives within your True Self.
Your True Self is fearless, loving, and totally free. Realizing its unlimited life as your own enables you to enter a whole new world within yourself whose very ground is the unshakable strength, security, confidence, and contentment you were born to know.
For 30 years, self-realization teacher Guy Finley has offered guidance in finding this unstoppable part of yourself.
Learn how to find this unstoppable part of yourself in Seven Steps to Oneness: Journey to a Whole New Life by self-realization author and teacher Guy Finley, who for over 30 years has offered guidance in discovering this higher state of awareness. Listen now to this FREE 8-hour course on 8 MP3 downloads, or streaming online!
During this groundbreaking audio program you will discover, explore, and learn to work with timeless principles that will help you to empower the evolution of your soul.
Learn for yourself the great secrets of spiritual success that not only help you to make positive changes in your relationships at home, with friends, and at work -- but that will lead you to an ever-increasing and intimate relationship with the Infinite itself.
Click the link below to get instant access to all 8 full-length MP3 downloads, or listen streaming online…
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