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Tiffany Wardle
Crystals and Chakras – A message from Angel Celeste
My Age of Atlantis From Angel Celeste:
I should know about the fall of Atlantis, I was there.
The memories in my mind change so much: From a happy loving place where children played happily and families were so full of love. There was no such thing as arguments. Humans could learn so much from their time. When I say their – I am talking about observations I have made since I have been on this Earth Plane. Not as a human being but as an ascended Master channeling through Tiffany right now.
Toward the end of Atlantis people started to keep things from each other, not just material items but secrets. Once this started, the universal energy started to split off, it no longer felt like we all belonged.
Once the universal energy appeared to split, fear set in as people hid thoughts from each other.
The peace - the bond - started to break.
I am now looking through the eyes of a young girl living in Atlantis.
From the girl, 'Serene's Point of View:
There was some form of outcry in the the town. A young boy had stolen something and was running through the town. Anger and fear seemed to spread through out. He became hated! Stealing was not heard of in our age, if we wanted something we thought about it and prayed to the Gods and we received. This was all new to us.
We started to be wary of each other. I started to keep certain items hidden in the home. I had pottery, my home was decorated well, I started to worry things would be taken from me. Greed began.
One day, my lover ran in the house full of fear! Telling me to flee as warriors were coming. I can hear warriors in the distance. Some on foot, some with animals, but with fire. I am made to leave, taki8ng the children with me.
I don't know who to turn to. My lover has stayed to fight! What am i to do! Alone and scared with young children I have to stay strong!
I can see one of the Priestesses among the chaos. the Priestesses are powerful, full of love and will know what to do! She seems to be getting women and children together. She is talking firmly, loudly but it is fueled with love. I trust her.
There is chaos all around us. Men shouting, people fleeing as warriors are coming. Men are fighting among themselves. There is a bad, well known warrior coming and my senses are heightened as I find this new found jelousy has kicked in between men, a feeling that was never there before.
The Preistess is called Siera, she is holding a huge crystal, she is taking it with her.
We are now going on a boat. There are a few quiet scared worried women on the boat, the children are still and mainly quiet too. No one is making a fuss, we are all feeling the peace from the Prieistess.
We are all in our higher selves and have a deep understanding that this is right and this is meant to be. We also trust the Priestess.
We sail and sail for days. We mainly sit quietly on the boat with a deep understanding that our life as we knew it, will be no more, but no one is sad.
It is hard to explain this. We are so intuitive that we always had an inner sense of 'whatever will be was meant to be'. We all had an inner knowing – and certain elements of psychic premonitions – some more than others and therefore we all felt that there must have been a reason that we were on the boat.
We tried not to think of the main land. It was so upsetting. Yes of course for lost loved ones but mainly for the land. It was sacred to us. To us our Gods were there. Some women would occasionally cry, mainly for husbands, young sons that were not with us as they were warriors.
The Priestess mainly kept to her self – but she never let go of the Crystal skull.
I would say I was more quiet that a lot of the women. Quite happy to be on my own with my children, observing the Priestess. She would prey furiously to the Gods. She would stare out to sea and give the women a look of love with courage.. she seemed to prey for direction. She seems to know where we are going – but we didn't know. She would be firm with the crew on what direction we were going in. We all had faith in Siera.
Siera's beauty was vividly obviously. Even though her perfect skin became pail and her bones were a little too obvious on her hands and wrists she was still naturally stunning.
Beauty was everywhere in Atlantis – as the people shone from within. Having a calm inner knowing, a peaceful existence, this would all be evident from people's faces. Happiness would radiate from people. I had observed this as is I like to watch, to take a step back.
I finally got the courage to speak to Siera. I started with kind words, I got a smile from her. I looked in to her eyes, they were still beautiful but I could see her faith was wavering. She spoke to me in riddles, I didn't quite understand her. The sense from her was that she wanted me to have hope in the Gods even though she was trying to cover up her angst. Anger at leaving others behind. Anger for her own selfish reasons to leave her family behind (even though she would never every say that) Anger as she still felt like a child herself as her Mother and Father were always the ultimate rulers – she did not tell me this, I could sense this from her.
The crystal skull
It was a few more meetings before she showed me the crystal skull. She knew it was her mission to keep the skull, to use the power of the crystals. She could feel the power. She knew she needed other wise ones to get the full meaning of the messages from the skull as she needed others alongside her to get the full power – it is far too much for one person, however she knew she had to keep it safe.
After a few meetings I saw her obsession with the crystal skull. She would lose part of herself as she talked about it, passion oozed out of her. Her eyes lit up as she mentioned the Atlantian energy coming from the crystal skull. How empowered she felt when holding the skull. She believed the earth energy from Atlantis, the peoples energy as a collective and the God's energy were all in the skull. Siera said it had magic powers.
I watched her once, asking the crystal skull for a message, she almost doubled over with pain in her stomach as she 'felt' the energy. Siera told me how she always knew that one day she would be powerful enough to receive messages but not just yet.
As Siera regained composure her eyes seemed to glaze over weld up crying for reasons unbeknown to me. I too gained a very strange sensation in my stomach as if to say this message is important.
“Crystal Skulls will once again be found on Earth, Crystal energy will be used again, through the storm of Earthly life, spirit will eventually thrive”.
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