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An Open Letter To Pisces For June 2024

By:Guy Doleman
Date: Mon,13 May 2024
Submitter:Guy Doleman

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An Open Letter To Pisces For June 2024

Dear Pisces,

First, allow me to apologise for my long absence. Time consuming domestic responsibilities have prevented me from putting pen to paper, so to speak. But now that I'm back, I hope you will forgive me, and we can resume where we left off in our attempt to decode the astral alphabet to your long term advantage.

The first week of June gets off to a good start with Sun conjunction Venus the Lesser Benefic. This suggests to me that social, sporting and romantic activities all seem to proceed well. This fact alone goes a long way to stimulate a happier, friendlier and more optimistic outlook. Indeed, things (fingers crossed) appear to be on the up and up for you. It's nice to be nice, and you build upon every pleasant experience and your flowering exuberance radiates your inner charm and magnanimity. This, in turn, stimulates your desire to influence people and win them over to your way of thinking. You still respond to your innate Piscean desire to cooperate and please others. However, your newly empowered self-respect - enhanced by some recently gained insights - brings more opportunities to engage in increasingly pleasurable social, romantic, educational and business activities.

The influence of Venus - the Lesser Benefic - indicates possible financial gains. Additionally, your renewed self-confidence enables you to approach someone in power and authority who responds warmly to your ideas. However, the inertia of metaphorical “wheels within wheels” means a short delay is almost inevitable while heads, hearts and minds align themselves to your advantage. But, having said that, everything seems more optimistic and acceptable. Changing our focus onto the recent past: someone close might exhibit a heartwarming desire to help someone in need. Their actions or kind words meet with your approval. Indeed, their consideration and compassion may go a long way to erase the memory of some past indiscretions. Yes, indeed it's true: time can be a great healer.

Changing tack for a moment: this is a potentially good time to actively express the creative side of your personality. I say this because the planets suggest you might have some dormant creative ability yearning to be acknowledged and subsequently exploited. You never know where that might lead: don’t forget the old saying “from little acorns mighty oak trees grow”. Furthermore, if your Natal Horoscope is in harmony with the current planetary alignments, business activities - that in some way connect to art, music, showbusiness, beauty or hairdressing - are likely to be worth consideration. A strong aspect which links the Sun to Venus suggests that many of my readers may decide to lift their spirits by indulging in a little retail therapy. Jewellery and luxury items seem high on your agenda, while a loved-up minority might go shopping for an engagement or wedding ring.

The Moon is sextile Mercury this week and while the aspect is only fleeting it is nevertheless significant as it indicates enhanced intellectual activity and insights into profound issues. This may lead to much reading and other literary pursuits. However, some irritation might be experienced when visits from friends and family members interrupt your concentration at vital moments. But this will be a small price to pay because your world might expand and your creative imagination is fired up by the printed word. Additionally, your self confidence will be given a boost when someone articulates their admiration for your logical and rational deductions. (We all need a little appreciation and a pat on the back from time to time). Continuing to explore the Moon sextile Mercury theme: this might be a propitious juncture to interact with female team members at work or raise your profile on social media. I’m wondering if stress and anxiety have contributed to episodes of comfort eating recently? If this is so, be gentle with yourself: don’t punish yourself by overindulging in self-criticism. It’s not helpful in the long run. Another thing you might have experienced are small lapses of concentration which might have necessitated huried shopping trips to acquire essential items for the maintanance of personal hygiene and other intimate necessities.

On a more serious note, the Moon conjunction Saturn aspect seems to indicate emotional issues which may have drained your vitality and limited your enthusiasm for some family orientated initiatives. Moreover, a minority of Pisces might have to cope with the demands of an elderly family member. Others may find that work problems isolate you from family festivals, or, conversely, domestic responsibilities inhibit your ability to deal effectively or speedily with some career or professional developments. Another common feature might be the recollection of unpleasant childhood memories. Possibly stirred up by something you watch on TV or triggered by a chance remark made by a friend.

Nevertheless, a great many more Pisces will be inspired to look on the bright side of Life. Efforts could be made to renew old emotional ties and walk down memory lane accompanied by a close friend. Additionally, a few of my readers will conduct a little research into their family history, and as a consequence, an elderly relative might be enticed back into the family fold.

Changing direction again: are you an ambitious Pisces with a strong sense of social justice and active in the world of local politics? Then the good news is that your hard work and dedication will probably be rewarded in the long run. The Moon and Uranus form a sextile aspect. To me this suggests interesting and unexpected developments are about to excite and enchant you. Perhaps imminent changes or fresh starts in the domestic sphere may focus on the acquisition of some new high tech equipment. Keep your diary or events calendar updated because a visiting tradesmen, technician or unexpected guests might catch you unaware and leave you struggling to explain yourself. In some convoluted way, something or someone’s unexpected visit may have reason to make you blush.

Hurriedly changing the subject: are you getting tired of looking at the same old wallpaper? Use your imagination to transform your kitchen or bedroom. A newly made (and slightly unconventional) friend may encourage you to host new and exciting activities in your home or garden. I wonder what your neighbours will think if they take a peek?

On a more serious note: you may encounter a highly intelligent and stimulating Female who is eager to articulate radical (perhaps even revolutionary) ideas and concepts. Think things over well and don't be hurried into committing yourself to a highly contentious ecological/political agenda you may later regret. Other Pisces may explore unforeseen business opportunities which may entail financial changes that leave them hurriedly searching for an imaginative accountant. On a more mundane level: have you remembered to renew your home insurance?

The aforementioned Moon Neptune aspect may also correlate to the stirring of unconscious memories for some Pisces, while simultaneously stimulating the intuitive imagination of others. Great news if you have ever harboured the desire to write fiction or poetry.
A minority of Pisces whose Natal Horoscope are radically at odds with the current planetary alignments might experience anxiety attacks. Please consider all your options before you reach for a bottle or try other chemically induced ways to escape from reality into an imaginary world of unproductive illusions. Why not talk to a close friend or family member then seek the advice of a competent professional?

On a more positive note: numerous Pisces might experience precognitive dreams or develop an uncanny intuitive awareness of other people's mood and motivations. That is to say: you might be able to attune into the feelings of others by nonverbal means. Meanwhile other Pisces may seek intuitive guidance from others. Those who have a predisposition to write poetry or fiction will no doubt welcome the stimulation of their creative imagination.

Have you been interested in New Age Spirituality for a long time? Perhaps you may start to recall past lives, or, organise mystical/religious activities in the privacy of your home. You may even invite special guests to participate in the experience. Indeed, I suspect many Pisces might aspire to transform the safe seclusion of their homes into an ashram-like place of quiet retreat and meditation.

In the second week of June the Sun contacts Mercury. This suggests to me an increase in self-confidence and assertiveness. The Sun is a symbol of your creative drive and lust for life, and Mercury represents the expression of your personal ideas. Consequently, your intellectual interests and desire to articulate them to others will bloom and flower. As a direct consequence you might feel impelled to take special interest in games that involve mental skill. In the nicest possible way, no one will be spared exposure to your new enthusiasms, which will spread like a rash amongst your nearest and dearest. Consequently, it's almost inevitable that you increase your late evening online communications with your colleagues from work and your other social contacts. You may even make a lot of new friends.

Are you a Grandparent or Great-grandparent? I ask because in some convoluted way you might get roped into the education of children. This may entail numerous short trips, possibly shuttling children back and forwards to school. Additionally, an increase in dynamic communication with brothers and sisters, neighbours, co-workers seems likely. Still on the subject of communications: this is a good time to communicate with those in power and authority with a special request, perhaps encompassing something to do with your own personal mobility.

The Sun/Mercury contact might also bring needed inspiration to writers, teachers, lecturers, scientists and those whose work requires creative intellectual acuteness. Sick of sitting glued to the TV or computer screen? Then get off your bum and jump into a taxi to take you shopping. Why? Because it’s a good time to buy eye-popping dramatic clothing and restart your social activities where you left off many moons ago.

The Sun in conjunction with Saturn appears to indicate a sense of frustration is eating away at your personal ambition. You may feel stifled by the people who surround you. Perhaps it is their willingness to accept the current status quo or reluctance to challenge the oppressive rules imposed by others. In short, you need to have a good time and learn to love again.

Another interpretation suggests financial limitations are imposing restrictions and inhibiting your oportunities for self-expression. Saturn may correlate to burdensome parental or professional responsibilities. The Sun may correlate to a desire for social and romantic opportunities. The combined effect is a debilitating sense of loneliness. Consequently, my heart goes out to you. Ultimately, the situation will change into its opposite and you will begin to live life to the full again. Until then, perhaps your only feasible option is to Stoically be patient a little while longer.

Frustration (desperation?) may lead you to adopt an un-Pisces autocratic and unsympathetic attitude to others in your immediate environment. You might begin to exhibit an uncharacteristically hard, rigid, attitude. Or, impose a blind adherence to traditional attitudes and beliefs upon individuals financially dependent or subordinate to yourself. That is sad because Pisces are usually so charitable and caring. Other Pisces may suffer from lowered vitality, fatigue and depression. Additionally, your current pecuniary/sexual/emotional inhibitions compromise anticipated opportunities for fun and excitement. Regrettably, it may lead to resentment and blame where it is manifestly unwarranted.

Moreover, this may prove an inopportune juncture to seek help from those in positions of authority and power. Indeed your feelings might be hurt by the unsympathetic or negative response you receive to your requests for assistance. Indeed , the harder you try the worse it seems to get. You continue to receive little or no recognition for the creative efforts or service you give to others. It's a sad situation that luckily will be experienced by only a few exceptionally unfortunate Pisces. But my thoughts are with you.

But the picture isn't all bad! As if to compensate - the planet Mercury is currently in conjunction with the mighty planet Jupiter and is indicative (fingers crossed) of expansion in work, mental optimism, and positive thinking. If you can direct your energy into worthwhile projects this might be rewarded with success and prosperity in various areas of your life. Are you a bit of a deep thinker? Great because your academic interest in religion, philosophy, foreign cultures are taking you in the right direction. Indeed, this might be a favourable time to start mapping-out a schedule to apply for university. Additionally, this is potentially a good time for writing, teaching, lecturing, and submitting manuscripts for publication. Mercury/Jupiter contacts are generally a favourable time for dealing with news or media organisations. Furthermore, if you have the requisite computer skills what is to stop you becoming a famous influencer with your own channel on social media?

Most Pisces will find this a potentially favourable time for signing contracts and formulating agreements. Developments may dictate that you spend more time kicking your heels waiting on rail station platforms or at bus stops. Might this be a good time to learn how to drive or buy a more reliable car? A new set of wheels might enable you to visit friends and relations - but - a new phone with a more reliable connection to social media might be a cheaper option!!

Venus -the Lesser Benefic - is square to the Greater Malefic -Saturn. This is traditionally regarded as a potentially challenging aspect. Saturn suggests that a minority of Pisces might be experiencing what they would describe as a period of loneliness and feeling of being unloved. Perhaps this is due to a lack of warmth in one very significant relationship, or, symptomatic of a general sense that a whole spectrum of relationships are beginning to cool. It's like an invisible wall has been built around you. This makes you feel alone and isolated: kind of locked into your very own icy igloo of social, financial, romantic, problems and disappointments.

Have you ever wondered if some people are out to make you feel unwelcome ? Could it be that the lack of sympathy and coldness towards others - which you are currently being accused of displaying - is nothing more than a defence mechanism which you feel compelled to deploy - like a shield - in order to protect yourself from exploitation or heart ache inflicted upon you by others? There's always two sides to every coin.

Changing direction again: if you are an employer or team leader could your authoritarian impulses - which you intend to be nothing more than a gentle censure - are perceived by others as a direct dictatorial affront to a subordinate’s liberties. Think about it. You only want to help but they are spitting their dummies out. Could you be fighting a losing battle? Moreover, this is not a favourable time to be the bearer of bad news to someone in a position of power authority as it might initiate unnecessary difficulties in public relations campaigns, complex legal matters, or a moribound business partnership.

The third week of June opens with the Moon in trine aspect to Jupiter, the Great Benefic. This is a wonderful (although brief) aspect which might provide you with an opportunity to give a bucket load of emotional support in family relationships of all kinds. Hopefully, something tangible will manifest itself into your life to stimulate a more optimistic emotional attitude and correlate to improved family living conditions and financial prosperity. In the final analysis it is your own Natal Horoscope, and the application of your God given free will, that has the final say in all situations. So I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

This week may also be a good time for a short family holiday. An alternative interpretation of this same aspect suggests many Pisces may extend a warm welcome to house guests from different cultural backgrounds into their home. Thereby incorporating external and potentially thought provoking educational, religious, cultural values into family life. This may also be a favourable week for expanding the domestic circle in some way. Have you ever considered adoption?

Changing direction once again: the Moon makes a favourable aspect to Pluto, the planet of transformation, evolution and metamorphosis. This suggests to me that the strength of your inner convictions may be enhanced exponentially after a motivational interaction with a close member of your family. This person has your trust and confidence. Indeed, their advice and guidance has always stood you in good stead in the past. Their words of wisdom seem to have the power to transform you at a deeply emotional level. As a result you might dedicate yourself to the task of improving the status quo of your parental/marital/domestic conditions. In addition, this is a potentially auspicious juncture to try to overcome some deeply rooted negative emotional habit patterns. Again the influence of the combined energies of the Moon and Pluto apparently seem to enhance your intuitive abilities, which in turn, make it possible for you to understand your own past emotional conditions and thus enable you to eliminate habit patterns that are detrimental to your long term happiness.

A minority of Pisces might also benefit from a change in the “balance of power”, so to speak, with reference to joint finances, insurance, personal taxes, or inheritance. Some Pisces with a history of making bad financial decisions might turn the corner, so to speak, and become more resourceful in business and financial affairs. In concert with your increasingly astute financial decision making abilities you might develop a more constructive attitude to ecological and environmental issues.

Have you got an attic or shed full of old and discarded items? Well, the more money-wise Pisces might devise a way to put these items to good use in an ingeniously creative way. Also, this might be a good time for business related to domestic products and services which complement a colleague's building and ecological activities.

Jupiter, the Greater Benefic, forms a trine aspect to Pluto. This aspect may correlate to (amongst other things) a radical transformation in your current attitude to all matters relating to spiritual regeneration and self improvement. For example if you felt constricted or restrained by the opinions of your work colleagues, team members or other influencers, you will find the willpower and silent determination to overcome the fear of their criticism or ridicule. In short: you will be born again; you will have the dynamic self-motivation requisite to make a new start. You will become your true self: the person who others will learn to respect and admire.

Let's turn the clock back to your childhood. Did your brothers, sisters, classmates, or, (heaven forbid) your parents put you down, ridiculed and humiliated you? Did their poisonous criticism destroy your growing self-esteem and cripple your emotional growth and burgenning independence? Well, if they did, the harm they did to you (fingers crossed) is going to become a thing of the past. Pluto can heal as well as destroy. At its very core Pluto power is transformatory: a tooth and nail metamorphosis.

Tangible benefits might come to you through your engagement with religion, higher education or esoteric doctrines. The much needed constructive guidance and encouragement you receive from traditional established religions; new age spirituality; new age gurus might prove invaluable. Furthermore, your increased understanding of spiritual laws and direct intuitive experience of spiritual realities lift the veil of worry and anxiety. Additionally, it is an appropriate time to respond to those who have your best interests at heart and work hard to eliminate outmoded concepts, beliefs and attitudes from your life.

Many Pisces currently struggling to find their way through the matrix of conflicting moralities and belief systems might finally succeed in their attempts to replace their dependence on alcohol, chemical substances or promiscuous sexual encounters with the philosophical and religious ideals that have sustained and inspired generations of our forefathers and ancestors.

Interestingly, Pluto, the planetary co-ruler of secretive Scorpio, is naturally associated with spycraft, industrial espionage and the intelligence services. Pluto’s currently favourable aspect to Jupiter, the Greater Benefic, is therefore potentially good news for the Ladies and Gentlemen of GCHQ Scarborough. Who - from their bunker buried deep within the Yorkshire Wolds - are engaged in the essential task of protecting the security of our skies, from the threat of incoming enemy nuclear missiles. Over the course of the next 2 years (at the very least) international tensions are going to rise as they did during the Cuban Missile Crisis: so please don’t blink lads and lasses; please don’t even blink!

Speaking of industrial espionage and the security services: Greater subterfuge, inventiveness and deception might be displayed by a lone-wolf who may currently be engaged in a military/police/security/customs capacity. This solitary individual - pondering his/her eventual retirement - might plan to supplement their meagre pension by exploiting the knowledge they have accumulated over a lifetime’s work at a regional airport similar to Teesside International Airport or global trading hub similar to Teesside Freeport.

Obviously, I don’t know for certain I’m only speculating. However, it's entertaining to remember that a famous newspaper astrologer (I believe it was Roger Elliot) predicted in his News of the World, weekly Horoscope column, that there was a spy in Buckingham Palace. This was long before Sir Anthony Blunt - Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s art historian - was denounced as a high ranking Russian spy embedded in the highest echelons of British society, by the then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. But I digress: let's return to astrology.

In the final week of June the Moon is square Neptune. This fleeting aspect frequently correlates to periods of daydreaming, emotional confusion, unwanted psychic experiences and impressions. Difficulties in family relationships might be experienced by an unfortunate minority of Pisces. Additionally, impractical use of money and possessions is also indicated for an impulsive minority.
I must also caution a number of my readers concerning potential attempts to recruit them into fringe mystical cults, exploitative guru worship and other unsound mystical practices. Furthermore, a minority of Pisces could be subjected to distorted memories that may evoke inappropriate behaviour and emotional reactions. Please resist the temptation to withdraw into the private world of make-believe.

If your Natal Horoscope is radically out of step to the current planetary configurations you might become vulnerable to deceit in financial affairs or experience sudden failures of domestic security equipment. Additionally, this may also be an appropriate juncture to communicate honestly and directly about sexual and emotional issues to someone special.

Returning to more convivial and optimistic astrological aspects: a Mercury and Mars contact strongly suggests you might feel embolden enough to question the assertions and motivations of one individual to whom you usually quietly differ. You become able to verbally defend yourself and consequently speak your truth with enthusiasm and force. On many subsequent occasions the dynamic expression of your ideas and opinions are likely to meet with the approval of most of your peers. Consequently, this is a good time for debates and intellectual contests of skill.

Mercury/Mars aspects usually signify important communications and an increasing number of short trips. They may also correlate to the study of extremely complex subjects. In the near future you might be called upon to read publications like engineering tutorials or engage with challenging scientific pursuits. Other Pisces might focus their attention upon such subjects as E-sports, or, do something really “old school” like play football, rugby, cricket or some other physically demanding activity which makes you break into a sweat.
Changing focus once again: Venus/Mars energies suggest this might be an excellent week for unattached single Pisces to take the initiative in matters related to love and romance. However, if you are lucky enough to be in a steady, time-tested relationship, there is no reason to feel left out in the cold because Venus/Mars contacts usually indicate increased sexual harmony in marriage and other long established relationships. Some Pisces may consider buying a car or camper van as a means of increasing their opportunities to take holidays and have a little bit more fun; while other Pisces restrict their activities to dancing or other less demanding, or, less expensive forms of physical activities.

Mercury conjunction Venus is another indicator of love and romance. In addition it is also a significator of stimulated academic interest in music, art and theatre. This is likely to be a favourable period for street artists, “living statues” , face-painters and all manner of performers.

Are you confined in a pokey little office? Then take heart, some twist or change in circumstances might give you the opportunity to beautify your working environment. Are you responsible for productivity or efficiency at work? Then you might have to be at your diplomatic best - in order to curtail the time wasted in idle chit-chat - in your office or work space. Could the time be right to suggest working from home to all your team, or, just the office gossip?

Beware a growing tendency to become superficial in your communications: endeavour to remain businesslike and authoritative. On the positive side; your mental outlook is cheerful and optimistic. You continue to express yourself with admirable whit, charm and humour. Furthermore, your charming manner of speech is mirrored by the diplomacy of your writing. On the downside are you becoming a little too set in your ways; dressing a little too old fashioned at work and play? Perhaps it's time to read some trendy magazines and discover what's really in or out of fashion? (It's too late for me: I’m well past any sartorial help!)

Sun conjunction Venus: indicates an enhanced desire for personal involvement in social, artistic and romantic activities. Seems like you want to let your hair down and enjoy yourself. You could be forgiven for feeling like you have been let off the lead and your love-life has started a new cycle - which for many Pisces - will be the case. Even if you are not on holiday but still bogged-down in the same old routine you may become more optimistic about finding someone special and walking away from a period of regrets and unfulfilled dreams. Other people might notice that your new radiance and increased magnetic charm is mirrored in a greater desire to please others. That's because you feel safe from unwarranted criticism and snide remarks. It's like you are a new you. Spoiler alert: keep a watchful eye on your bank account because increased financial expenditure on luxurious items like furniture, clothing, jewellery, watches or perhaps engagement parties or wedding celebrations might exceed your budget.

Sun Venus conjunction 5th house suggests to me that many of my readers will try to balance their budgets so they can escape their hum-drum daily routine and seek alone-time with the person they love most. Yes, June might close with a heady cocktail of sexual involvements, holiday romances and the hedonistic pursuit of pleasure. Are you a little nervous about meeting strangers? Well, relax and just be yourself because the stars appear to be on your side promising social popularity, pleasant interactions and merry meetings (although you must never become complacent when it comes to ensuring your personal safety.)

Well folks, that is me all written out, save only for me to wish you good health and happiness. So until I write again: “God Bless and Protect You!”

Yours sincerely,

Guy Doleman: Astrologer

PS. All dates are only approximations.

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